Starting a New Program in Polymath™ 6.1


Open up Polymath™ 6.1.  Go to Program and select the appropriate solver.  In this example we will use the DEQ (Differential Equations) solver.

Click on the "d(x)+" button.  

Type in the differential equation with its initial value and select Done.  You may enter in as many differential equations as you need by selecting the "d(x)+" button.

Enter in the needed explicit equations (click x=+) and the initial and final values for the independant variable(click ini-finl). When all the necessary equations and values have been entered, press the Solve button (the pink right arrow).

If you cannot press the the right arrow to solve the problem, read the information after the red X to find out if there are any undefined variables.

For additional help consult the Polymath help file by go to the "Help" pull-down menu and select "Contents"


Learn how to install Polymath™.

Learn how to open Polymath™.

Learn how to accessing the Living Example Problems.

Learn how to graph in Polymath™.

Learn how to print in Polymath™

Learn how to access the Polymath™ help file.