John T. Lehman

Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

University of Michigan

Natural Science Building
830 N. University Blvd
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1048

Tel: (734) 763-4680
Fax: (734) 647-2465


Summary of Research
Professor Lehman's research publications in international books and journals include nutrient dynamics, microanalytical methods, plankton ecology, primary productivity, food web structure, and mathematical modeling. He has logged over 300 at-sea ship days as Chief Scientist on research vessels of the U.S. academic fleet (University National Oceanic Laboratory System) operating in the St. Lawrence Great Lakes Erie, Huron, Michigan, and Superior from 1983 to 2000 plus additional shipboard research cruises on Lakes Victoria, Edward, and Albert in East Africa, 1991-1995. His recent research has coupled numerical climate forecasts from second generation General Circulation Models (GCM climate projections) with lake physical mixing models and with models for biological productivity of Great Lakes in North America and East Africa. He participates in bilateral scientific projects in East Africa sponsored by U.S. science agencies and private foundations. As Co-Chair of the Steering Committee for IDEAL- an International Decade for the East African Lakes he helps develop and oversee research projects in East Africa with multilateral support and in collaboration with African scientists. Currently he is conducting field research and numerical models for river and lake analyses including phosphorus dynamics, nutrient loading from point and non-point sources, internal P cycling, and nutrient budgets for aquatic ecosystems in North America and Africa.

Academic Background
Professor Lehman received his B.S./M.S. in Biology from Yale University in 1974, and then received the Ph. D. in Zoology from the University of Washington in 1978. He joined the University of Michigan as Assistant Professor in 1978, and became Professor of Biology in 1988. Professor Lehman is recipient of the Henry Russel Award, the highest recognition by the University of Michigan for achievements of junior faculty (1982), and the Faculty Governance Award, the highest elected award conferred university-wide by faculty at the University of Michigan (1999). Professor Lehman serves by election as the Secretary of the Faculty of the university, and has served as elected officer in a variety of faculty organizations, including Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, and the American Association for University Professors.

Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae

 Awards and Fellowships

Professional Service (abbreviated)

External Advisory Committees

Courses Taught

Biological Oceanography; Limnology; Limnology Laboratory; Ecological Knowledge and Environmental Problem Solving; Quantitative Zooplankton Ecology; Quantitative Zooplankton Ecology, Predictive Models in Limnology, Foundations of Limnological Principles, Large Lakes - Ecological Structure and Function, Mathematical Models in Aquatic Science

Scientific and Technical Publications (Abbreviated from 100+)

JTL, R. A. Platte, and J. A. Ferris 2007. Role of hydrology in development of a vernal clear water phase in an urban impoundment. Freshwater Biology 52: 1773-1781.

J. A. Ferris and JTL 2007. Interannual variation in diatom bloom dynamics: Roles of hydrology, nutrient limitation, sinking, and whole lake manipulation. Water Research 41: 2551-2562.

JTL, S. E. B. Abella, A. H. Litt, and W. T. Edmondson. 2004. Environmental fingerprints of biocomplexity: Taxon-specific growth of phytoplankton in Lake Washington. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 150-160.

Edmondson, W.T., S. E. Abella, and JTL 2003. Phytoplankton in Lake Washington: long-term changes 1950-1999. Archiv für Hydrobiologie Suppl. 139/3: 1-52.

JTL 2002. Mixing patterns and plankton biomass of the St. Lawrence Great Lakes under climate change scenarios. Journal of Great Lakes Research 28: 583-596. [This report received the Chandler-Misener Award from the International Association for Great Lakes Research as the "most notable article 2002"]

JTL 2002. Application of satellite AVHRR to water balance, mixing dynamics, and the chemistry of Lake Edward, East Africa, p. 235-260. In E. Odada and D. Olago [eds.], The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeolimnology and Biodiversity. Kluwer.

Jonna, R. and JTL 2002. Invasion of Lake Victoria by the large bodied herbivorous cladoceran Daphnia magna, p. 321-333. In E. Odada and D. Olago [eds.], The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, Palaeolimnology and Biodiversity. Kluwer.

JTL, R. J. Foy, and D. A. Lehman. 2001. Inverse model method for estimating assimilation by aquatic invertebrates. Aquatic Sciences 63: 168-181.

Hoffman, J.C., M.E. Smith, and JTL. 2001. Perch or Plankton: Top-down control of Daphnia by yellow perch (Perca flavescens) or Bythotrephes cederstroemi in an inland lake? Freshwater Biology 46:759-775.

JTL 1998. [Editor] Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes. Kluwer.

JTL, A.H. Litt, R. Mugidde, and D.A. Lehman. 1998. Nutrients and plankton biomass in the rift lake sources of the White Nile: Lakes Albert and Edward, p. 157-172. In Environmental Change and Response in East African Lakes. Kluwer.

JTL 1998. Role of climate in the modern condition of Lake Victoria. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 61: 29-37.

JTL, D.M. Bilkovic, and C. Sullivan. 1997. Predicting development, metabolism, and secondary production for the invertebrate predator Bythotrephes. Freshwater Biology 38:343-352.

JTL 1996. Pelagic food webs of the East African Great Lakes. In T. C. Johnson and E. Odada [eds.], Limnology, Climatology and Paleolimnology of the East African Lakes. Gordon and Breach.

JTL and D.K. Branstrator. 1994. Nutrient dynamics and turnover rates of phosphate and sulfate in Lake Victoria, East Africa. Limnol. Oceanogr. 39: 227-233.

JTL 1993. Efficiencies of ingestion and assimilation by an invertebrate predator using C and P dual isotope labeling. Limnol. Oceanogr. 38: 1550-1554.

JTL 1991. Interacting growth and loss rates: the balance of top-down and bottom-up controls in plankton communities. Limnol. Oceanogr. 36: 1546-1554.

JTL 1988. Algal biomass unaltered by food web changes in Lake Michigan. Nature 332: 537-538.

JTL 1988. Selective herbivory and its role in phytoplankton evolution, p. 369-387. In C. D. Sandgren [ed.], Growth and reproductive strategies of freshwater phytoplankton. Cambridge Univ. Press.

JTL 1988. Hypolimnetic metabolism in Lake Washington: Relative effects of nutrient load and food web structure on lake productivity. Limnol. Oceanogr. 33: 1336-1349.

JTL 1984. Grazing, nutrient release, and their impacts on the structure of phytoplankton communities, p. 49-72. In D. Meyers and J.R. Strickler [eds.], Trophic dynamics of aquatic ecosystems. AAAS Special Symposium.

JTL and D. Scavia. 1982. Microscale patchiness of nutrients in plankton communities. Science 216: 729-730.

JTL and D. Scavia. 1982. Microscale nutrient patches produced by zooplankton. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, U.S. 79: 5001-5005.

Doctoral Dissertations Supervised: 6 (10+ additional as committee member)

Masters Degrees Supervised: 4

Undergraduate Research Projects Supervised: 22

Invited Professional Presentations: 60+ North American & International by Invitation

Contributed Papers

30+ North American and International Lectures plus numerous poster presentations

Research Grants to John T. Lehman

Current and Previous Research Sponsors: U.S. NSF (Graduate Fellowships, Division of Environmental Biology, Biotic Systems and Resources, Ecology, Biological Oceanography, Climate Dynamics); EPA STAR; NOAA (Environmental Research Laboratories, National Undersea Research Program, Michigan Sea Grant); Institute for Water Research; Office of Naval Research; National Geographic Society

Technical Experience of Prof. John T. Lehman