End of Semester Luncheon


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"Taking Stock of Europe's Crises: Politics, Debt, Recession, and the Euro."


SpangThere has been, of course, no single "European Crisis" in the past several years. The banking crisis that spread from the United States to Europe in 2008, and the sovereign debt crises that spread from Greece to Portugal and Italy in 2009, are different from the punctured real estate bubbles and bank bailouts that tripped up the Spanish and Irish economies during the same year. Together, however, these concurrent crises have revealed how fragile the idea of a united Europe is in the present, both as a monetary union and as a political ideal. Many have asserted that the answer to the current problems faced by the Eurozone is "more Europe" even as new fissures have opened up between the North and the South, making it difficult to imagine what kinds of policies or institutions might make "more Europe" possible.

Moderated by CES Director Joshua Cole (History), a distinguished panel of experts from the University of Michigan's faculty: William James Adams (Economics), Dario Gaggio (History), Anna Grzymala-Busse (Political Science), Daniel Halberstam (Law), will discuss the on-going crises in Europe from the perspective of their respective disciplines.

Co-sponsor: WCED. Part of "The European Economic Crisis and its Political Dimensions." Free and open to the public.