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Other Sites of Interest

Here are some web sites that are somehow related to development, education, action, empowerment and/or charity in India and elsewhere. Some share similars goals with IDS; others do not. These sites are of interest to IDS members because of the discussions, information and/or ideas carried within. These groups are not associated with India Development Service. If you know of an organization that should be included in this list, please drop us a line! Happy trekking... : )

  This list is NOT being maintained currently.

Note: The descriptions have been taken from the groups' own pages. We have attempted to reflect the organizations in their own words....

* ActionAid
ACTIONAID helps poor people in developing countries to address and overcome the causes and effects of poverty by planning and implementing long-term development programmes.
* AID (Association for India's Development)
To completely solve a problem it is not enough to just target the symptoms - we must attack the problem at its roots. AID efforts and projects therefore target the reasons for the problems - We try to remove exploitation through education and literacy programs, unemployment through vocational training, social inequalities through empowerment projects and poverty through cooperative self employment schemes.
An action group for basic education in India
* Child Relief & You (CRY)
CRY was started in 1979 as an INDIAN reaction to the unjust situation of Indian children, by ordinary people willing to make a difference. It is an independent organization; its chief objective is to restore to children their basic right to food, shelter, education - in short, a future.
* The Commonwealth of Learning
The purpose of The Commonwealth of Learning is to create and widen access to education and to improve its quality, utilising distance education techniques and associated communications technologies to meet the particular requirements of member countries.
* Gurukul
A nonprofit group working for Literacy and Housing


* The Hunger Project
The Hunger Project is a global, strategic organization committed to the sustainable end of world hunger.
* IDEX (International Development Exchange)
International Development Exchange builds partnerships to overcome poverty and social injustice by empowering people and communities toward greater control over the resources and political and economic processes that affect their lives. We identify small-scale grassroots development projects in Asia, Africa, and Latin America and link them with supportive U.S. partners, and we educate North Americans about the challenges and successes of marginalized people around the world.
* ILP (Indian Literacy Project)
ILP is a US-based non-profit organization dedicated to making India 100% literate. We mainly concentrate on spreading basic literacy in India, where literacy, as defined by the U.N., is the ability to read 40 words per minute, write 20 words per minute, and do 2-digit arithmetic.


* Internet Resources for Non-Profit Public Service Organizations
We have created this guide in order to help administrators and employees of nonprofit, public service organizations easily locate relevant information on the Internet. [IDS Note: It's at at the University of Michigan!!]


* Nonprofit Resources Catalogue
This site is a personal project started in September, 1994, to catalogue Internet sites that may benefit nonprofits and those interested in a wide variety of issues. Whenever possible, I have placed a heavy emphasis on meta-links to other catalogues in a particular subject area which may well have better links to that subject area than are contained here.
* SEEDS (Sustainable Economic and Educational Development Society)
SEEDS philosophy is rooted in our wish to promote educational and economic progress and development for the common folks particularly in Orissa, but in the developing world in general. We do not believe in simple, conventional charity. Rather we believe in working as perhaps catalysts and facilitators of development.


* Seva
Apparently, this site has disappeared. : ( Please let us know if you hear of its whereabouts.


* Sri Vidya Trust
Sri Vidya Trust (SVT) is a non-profit organisation operating in and around Devipuram, near Vishakapatnam, A.P.,India. The primary areas that SVT works in are education, the empowerment of women and affordable housing for the rural poor.
* Udavum Karangal
* Udavum Karangal (which means "Hands that help") is a social service organisation operating in Madras.
* Vikas
Apparently, this site has also disappeared. : ( Please let us know if you hear of its whereabouts. [error: obsolete link]



* Resources in India
At the Contact Center Network


* Internet Nonprofit Center
* The Institute for Global Communications' Progressive Directory
The Institute of Global Communications, through its IGC Networks -- PeaceNet, EcoNet, ConflictNet, LaborNet and now, WomensNet -- serve individuals and organizations working toward peace, environmental protection, human rights, social and economic justice, sustainable and equitable development, health, and nonviolent conflict resolution.
* Bay Area non-profit organizations
The purpose of this Web publication is to provide information about volunteer opportunities in the SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA.
* Meta-Index for Non-Profit Organizations
* Environmental Organizations On-Line
* Relief Net
* Progressive Possibilities

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The IDS-Michigan web pages are maintained by Neerav Modi and Katie Richter. Please send feedback, questions or comments to IDS-MI.web@umich.edu using our e-mail form.

This page was last modified on Saturday, 09-May-1998 07:21:07 EDT