[IDS-Michigan Logo]
Membership/Contribution Form
Please print this form out on your printer.

IDS-MI is requesting tax-deductible contributions to finance and support
conferences on development in Michigan and grassroots social work
programs in India.  Please mail this form and donations payable to IDS-MI:

           India Development Service - Michigan Chapter
           c/o Michigan Student Assembly
           3909 Michigan Union
           Ann Arbor, Michigan  48109-1349

Name:		________________________________________
Address:	________________________________________
Phone/Fax:	________________________________________
E-mail/WWW:	________________________________________

MEMBERSHIP: Enclosed is: I would like to: $250 for life membership become a new member $25 for annual membership renew my membership $10 for student membership INVOLVEMENT: CONTRIBUTIONS: I want to be involved in IDS-MI and for the IDS-MI project help organise talks/conferences for IDS-MI activities help organise fundraisers $500 $250 $100 be an IDS-MI Board Member $50 $25 $10 _________________ (other) $_____ (other) TAX ID #: 237355796 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ India Development Service (IDS) is a non-profit, non-sectarian, non-political volunteer organization dedicated to supporting grassroots economic and social development programs in India and disseminating development information. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thank you for your generous support