Missions of the International Students Network

The International Students Network is committed to the principle that cooperation and communication between international students and groups is inseparable from the quest for cultural diversity.

One of our missions is to help international groups in their efforts to achieve sustainable recognition on campus. ISN will assist eligible international groups in their mission to build interest in carrying out various programs, international exhibitions and cultural shows, giving first priority to diversity of this campus.

The ISN is hoped to be a bridge among international student groups, the school and American students. We hope to help enhance mutual learning and understanding, and sharing of cultural heritages on the campus, and ultimately, to help international students to get the best education here and contribute to the school as well. Specifically, the missions of the ISN are to:

  • Increase mutual understandings and strengthen connections among international /ethnic /cultural student groups.
  • Leverage resources (funding, channel of promotion etc.) to provide more incentive for student groups to organize cultural events.
  • Provide a channel for international students to reach out, be active in the University of Michigan, through leadership development and community services, so as to enhance the education received.
  • Create a strong voice for international students to speak out about their issues.

Our Projects:
The International Dialogue >>
The International Dialogue on the Daily
The International Festival >>

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