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Friday, August 07, 2009 -- 04:26:59 (EDT)
Name: albert einstein
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  • Tuesday, April 21, 2009 -- 03:28:55 (EDT)
    Name: jojo
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    <title>Phone Sex Leaderboard www.phonesexleaderboard.com </title>

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    <p><a href="http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/blogpslaa.jpg" title="blogpslaa.jpg"><img src="http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/blogpslaa.jpg" alt="blogpslaa.jpg" /></a></p>
    <p>Need a more experienced older woman. Do you need the touch of an older woman? Someone mature, who knows exactly what you need. Maybe a Motherly type woman to nuture you and tend to all your needs. I take care of my boys, with my warm wet mouth or my warm wet pussy or maybe you just need that special touch of my hand, that only I can provide you. Are you going to be my good guy or my naughty guy? Either way, I know just how to make you feel good. Call me for some naughty mature fun.</p>
    <blockquote><p><strong>Here is what kind of fun we can have:</strong></p>
    <li>age play</li>
    <li>age regression</li>
    <li>adult babies</li>
    <li>hot milf roleplays</li>
    <p><em><strong>CALL ME AT 1 866 620 8431 EXT 719  CANDY</strong></em></p>
    <p><a href="http://satisfiedphonesexdesires.com/Desires/"><strong>http://satisfiedphonesexdesires.com/Desires/</strong></a></p>
    <p><a href="http://www.confess2candy.blogspot.com/"><strong>www.confess2candy.blogspot.com</strong></a></p>
    <p> <a href="http://www.phonesexlipservice.com/cocktailroom.htm">CHATROOM</a></p>
    <p><a href="http://satisfiedphonesexdesires.com"><img alt="" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_aCPOzaBw-58/SeG8ZJQEmrI/AAAAAAAAAEE/mvL0gp0FsY8/s400/mybanner.jpg" border="0" /></a></p>
    <p style="padding-top:5px;"><h2><em>Add This Post To:</em></h2><span style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:right;"><a target="_blank" href="http://del.icio.us/post?url=http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/phone-sex&amp;title=Mature Phone Sex" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to Del.icio.us"><img src="/word/wp-content/plugins/social_bar/delicious.png" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to Del.icio.us" alt="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to Del.icio.us" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&amp;url=http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/phone-sex&amp;title=Mature Phone Sex" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to digg"><img src="/word/wp-content/plugins/social_bar/digg.png" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to digg" alt="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to digg" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.dzone.com/links/add.html?phase=2&amp;url=http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/phone-sex&amp;title=Mature Phone Sex" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to dzone"><img 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  • Tuesday, April 21, 2009 -- 03:28:25 (EDT)
    Name: jojo
  • <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    <title>Phone Sex Leaderboard www.phonesexleaderboard.com </title>

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    <div class="entry">
    <p><a href="http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/blogpslaa.jpg" title="blogpslaa.jpg"><img src="http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/blogpslaa.jpg" alt="blogpslaa.jpg" /></a></p>
    <p>Need a more experienced older woman. Do you need the touch of an older woman? Someone mature, who knows exactly what you need. Maybe a Motherly type woman to nuture you and tend to all your needs. I take care of my boys, with my warm wet mouth or my warm wet pussy or maybe you just need that special touch of my hand, that only I can provide you. Are you going to be my good guy or my naughty guy? Either way, I know just how to make you feel good. Call me for some naughty mature fun.</p>
    <blockquote><p><strong>Here is what kind of fun we can have:</strong></p>
    <li>age play</li>
    <li>age regression</li>
    <li>adult babies</li>
    <li>hot milf roleplays</li>
    <p><em><strong>CALL ME AT 1 866 620 8431 EXT 719  CANDY</strong></em></p>
    <p><a href="http://satisfiedphonesexdesires.com/Desires/"><strong>http://satisfiedphonesexdesires.com/Desires/</strong></a></p>
    <p><a href="http://www.confess2candy.blogspot.com/"><strong>www.confess2candy.blogspot.com</strong></a></p>
    <p> <a href="http://www.phonesexlipservice.com/cocktailroom.htm">CHATROOM</a></p>
    <p><a href="http://satisfiedphonesexdesires.com"><img alt="" src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_aCPOzaBw-58/SeG8ZJQEmrI/AAAAAAAAAEE/mvL0gp0FsY8/s400/mybanner.jpg" border="0" /></a></p>
    <p style="padding-top:5px;"><h2><em>Add This Post To:</em></h2><span style="display:block;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;text-align:right;"><a target="_blank" href="http://del.icio.us/post?url=http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/phone-sex&amp;title=Mature Phone Sex" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to Del.icio.us"><img src="/word/wp-content/plugins/social_bar/delicious.png" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to Del.icio.us" alt="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to Del.icio.us" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://digg.com/submit?phase=2&amp;url=http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/phone-sex&amp;title=Mature Phone Sex" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to digg"><img src="/word/wp-content/plugins/social_bar/digg.png" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to digg" alt="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to digg" /></a> <a target="_blank" href="http://www.dzone.com/links/add.html?phase=2&amp;url=http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/phone-sex&amp;title=Mature Phone Sex" title="Add 'Mature Phone Sex' to dzone"><img 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    <p class="postmetadata">Posted in <a href="http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/category/phone-sex/" title="View all posts in Phone Sex" rel="category tag">Phone Sex</a> <strong>|</strong> <a href="http://phonesexleaderboard.com/word/phone-sex#respond" title="Comment on Mature Phone Sex">No Comments »</a></p>


  • Monday, March 16, 2009 -- 00:38:08 (EDT)
    Name: jojo
  • Twin Palms is pleased to offer Phillip Toledano's second book, Phonesex. Toledano has photographed nearly thirty phonesex operators in the intimate setting of their own homes, offering a seldom-seen glimpse into the reality of what otherwise is the fantasy created by the operator's voice, and caller's imagina- tion. Accompanying every portrait is a text written by each subject touching on some aspect of his or her experience as an operator. Whether touching, humorous, or disturbing, every operator's point of view is compelling. "There is a contract that exists between phonesex operators and the people who call. It is a contract of self-delusion. The caller agrees to pretend that he (or she) is calling a young, beautiful girl, and the phonesex operator willingly plays the part. Phonesex reveals the truth. It pulls back the veil to reveal the expected, and the unexpected, all at once." Phillip Toledano nine by twelve inches, casebound twenty-six four color plates sixty pages, $50 ISBN 978-1-931885-74-4 Availability Date: July 30, 2008 For further press information or images please contact Jonathan Hollingsworth, email twinpalmsp@aol.com or Olga Katsnelson, olga@postcardcomm.com 415.404.6412 PHONESEX Phillip Toledano I never thought I would work in the phone sex industry. All those years doing customer service, my customers would comment on my sexy voice. I thought I was being professional, not sexy. This work is customer service. It’s just your customers leave with more than a smile. My first night was on a Saturday at midnight. It was a gentleman who I believe called himself Bob. He told me about his first experience with a glory hole. He explained that he had no one he felt comfortable telling this to, and I felt a strange intimacy between us, though it was rooted in a fantasy. I think it’s easier to release repressed desires to a non-judgmental, fictional person, because there are no consequences in the outside world. I’m 60 years old, have a ba in Cultural Anthropology from Columbia University, and married for 25 years. I have a son in his last years of college who lives at home. He’s a 4.0 with a double major in English Literature and Religion. Men call me for an infinity of reasons. Of course, they call to masturbate. I call it “Executive Stress Relief.” It’s not sex; it’s a cocktail of testosterone, fueled by addiction to pornography, loneliness, and the need to hear a woman’s voice. I make twice the money I made in the corporate world. I work from home, the money transfers into my bank account daily. I’m Scheherezade: If I don’t tell stories that fascinate the Pasha, he will kill me in the morning. I am a straight male who speaks to women. They want me. They want me to talk to them, and to take them to another world. I’m good at it. I’m a pro. A ladies man. I speak to younger women. I speak to older women. I speak both Spanish and English. I have been thrown offers left and right. They want me to meet up and have my way with them, but I keep it only to phone conversations.

  • Monday, March 16, 2009 -- 00:37:51 (EDT)
    Name: jojo
  • Twin Palms is pleased to offer Phillip Toledano's second book, Phonesex. Toledano has photographed nearly thirty phonesex operators in the intimate setting of their own homes, offering a seldom-seen glimpse into the reality of what otherwise is the fantasy created by the operator's voice, and caller's imagina- tion. Accompanying every portrait is a text written by each subject touching on some aspect of his or her experience as an operator. Whether touching, humorous, or disturbing, every operator's point of view is compelling. "There is a contract that exists between phonesex operators and the people who call. It is a contract of self-delusion. The caller agrees to pretend that he (or she) is calling a young, beautiful girl, and the phonesex operator willingly plays the part. Phonesex reveals the truth. It pulls back the veil to reveal the expected, and the unexpected, all at once." Phillip Toledano nine by twelve inches, casebound twenty-six four color plates sixty pages, $50 ISBN 978-1-931885-74-4 Availability Date: July 30, 2008 For further press information or images please contact Jonathan Hollingsworth, email twinpalmsp@aol.com or Olga Katsnelson, olga@postcardcomm.com 415.404.6412 PHONESEX Phillip Toledano I never thought I would work in the phone sex industry. All those years doing customer service, my customers would comment on my sexy voice. I thought I was being professional, not sexy. This work is customer service. It’s just your customers leave with more than a smile. My first night was on a Saturday at midnight. It was a gentleman who I believe called himself Bob. He told me about his first experience with a glory hole. He explained that he had no one he felt comfortable telling this to, and I felt a strange intimacy between us, though it was rooted in a fantasy. I think it’s easier to release repressed desires to a non-judgmental, fictional person, because there are no consequences in the outside world. I’m 60 years old, have a ba in Cultural Anthropology from Columbia University, and married for 25 years. I have a son in his last years of college who lives at home. He’s a 4.0 with a double major in English Literature and Religion. Men call me for an infinity of reasons. Of course, they call to masturbate. I call it “Executive Stress Relief.” It’s not sex; it’s a cocktail of testosterone, fueled by addiction to pornography, loneliness, and the need to hear a woman’s voice. I make twice the money I made in the corporate world. I work from home, the money transfers into my bank account daily. I’m Scheherezade: If I don’t tell stories that fascinate the Pasha, he will kill me in the morning. I am a straight male who speaks to women. They want me. They want me to talk to them, and to take them to another world. I’m good at it. I’m a pro. A ladies man. I speak to younger women. I speak to older women. I speak both Spanish and English. I have been thrown offers left and right. They want me to meet up and have my way with them, but I keep it only to phone conversations.

  • Monday, March 16, 2009 -- 00:32:36 (EDT)
    Name: albert einstein
  • .

  • Monday, October 27, 2008 -- 14:57:08 (EDT)
    Name: albert einstein
  • .

  • Monday, October 27, 2008 -- 14:57:05 (EDT)
    Name: albert einstein
  • .

  • Thursday, October 23, 2008 -- 02:25:56 (EDT)
    Name: Jo

  • I am on the internet again! The presidential election has taken all my time away. Have you registered to vote yet? Who are you
    voting for? Obama, McCain, Palin, Biden, or Joe the Plumber, or Hillary Clinton in 2012? Although the Mayans have the
    world ending on December 21, 2012. Well that should simplify things, no new president and more internet to surf on, and no
    more phone sex calls. Labels: election, internet, joe the plumber, mccain, obama, palin, phone sex, vote

  • Wednesday, October 22, 2008 -- 22:38:17 (EDT)
    Name: Jo

  • I am on the internet again! The presidential election has taken all my time away. Have you registered to vote yet? Who are you
    voting for? Obama, McCain, Palin, Biden, or Joe the Plumber, or Hillary Clinton in 2012? Although the Mayans have the
    world ending on December 21, 2012. Well that should simplify things, no new president and more internet to surf on, and no
    more phone sex calls. Labels: election, internet, joe the plumber, mccain, obama, palin, phone sex, vote

  • Monday, June 09, 2008 -- 19:07:21 (EDT)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, June 09, 2008 -- 08:17:32 (EDT)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, June 02, 2008 -- 06:38:16 (EDT)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:50:03 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:50:00 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:58 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:55 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:52 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:50 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:47 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:44 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:41 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:38 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:35 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:32 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Monday, December 24, 2007 -- 19:49:27 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • http://www.phone-sex-psychologist.com/

  • Tuesday, November 27, 2007 -- 02:08:24 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Tuesday, November 27, 2007 -- 02:08:20 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:50 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • Here's a scary news story:

    Starbucks stirs concerns over economy -- The planned holiday season advertising comes as Starbucks acknowledged that its supposedly recession proof of sales of frappuccinos and flavoured latte drinks were feeling the impact of broader slowdown in US consumer spending. Shares in Starbucks fell 8.6 per cent at $22.02. The company's shares are now down 38 per cent this year. Announcing fourth-quarter results, Jim Donald, chief executive officer, said the company was seeing this pushback that other retailers have describes and that a July price increase of about 9 cents a cup in the US had also hurt traffic. In another indicator of consumer strain, two mainstream US retailers, JC Penney and Kohl's, on Thursday blamed economic concerns for disappointing quarterly results, and lowered forecasts for the holiday quarter. The world's biggest coffee shop chain reported a 35 per cent rise in fourth-quarter earnings, with net income for the quarter of $158.5m, or 21 cents per share. Revenues increased 22 per cent to $2.4bn. However, its US per store transactions
    fell by 1 per cent during the third quarter although the average transaction value increased by 5 per cent It cited weak consumer spending for its forecasts of 2008 earnings below many Wall Street estimates. It predicted comparable-store sales growth for 2008 of 3 per cent to 5 per cent, against its long-term targeted range of 3 to 7 per cent. Starbucks opened 1,065 stores during the last year. It said it would open 100 fewer US stores in 2008.

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:48 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • Here's a scary news story:

    Starbucks stirs concerns over economy -- The planned holiday season advertising comes as Starbucks acknowledged that its supposedly recession proof of sales of frappuccinos and flavoured latte drinks were feeling the impact of broader slowdown in US consumer spending. Shares in Starbucks fell 8.6 per cent at $22.02. The company's shares are now down 38 per cent this year. Announcing fourth-quarter results, Jim Donald, chief executive officer, said the company was seeing this pushback that other retailers have describes and that a July price increase of about 9 cents a cup in the US had also hurt traffic. In another indicator of consumer strain, two mainstream US retailers, JC Penney and Kohl's, on Thursday blamed economic concerns for disappointing quarterly results, and lowered forecasts for the holiday quarter. The world's biggest coffee shop chain reported a 35 per cent rise in fourth-quarter earnings, with net income for the quarter of $158.5m, or 21 cents per share. Revenues increased 22 per cent to $2.4bn. However, its US per store transactions
    fell by 1 per cent during the third quarter although the average transaction value increased by 5 per cent It cited weak consumer spending for its forecasts of 2008 earnings below many Wall Street estimates. It predicted comparable-store sales growth for 2008 of 3 per cent to 5 per cent, against its long-term targeted range of 3 to 7 per cent. Starbucks opened 1,065 stores during the last year. It said it would open 100 fewer US stores in 2008.

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:43 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:40 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:38 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:35 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:32 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:30 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:26 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:24 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:21 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:18 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:15 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:12 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:10 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • http://www.phone-sex-psychologist.com

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:08 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:05 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:55:02 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:59 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:56 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:54 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:51 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:49 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:46 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:43 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:40 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:54:37 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
  • .

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:51:52 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • Here's a scary news story:

    Starbucks stirs concerns over economy -- The planned holiday season advertising comes as Starbucks acknowledged that its supposedly recession proof of sales of frappuccinos and flavoured latte drinks were feeling the impact of broader slowdown in US consumer spending. Shares in Starbucks fell 8.6 per cent at $22.02. The company's shares are now down 38 per cent this year. Announcing fourth-quarter results, Jim Donald, chief executive officer, said the company was seeing this pushback that other retailers have describes and that a July price increase of about 9 cents a cup in the US had also hurt traffic. In another indicator of consumer strain, two mainstream US retailers, JC Penney and Kohl's, on Thursday blamed economic concerns for disappointing quarterly results, and lowered forecasts for the holiday quarter. The world's biggest coffee shop chain reported a 35 per cent rise in fourth-quarter earnings, with net income for the quarter of $158.5m, or 21 cents per share. Revenues increased 22 per cent to $2.4bn. However, its US per store transactions
    fell by 1 per cent during the third quarter although the average transaction value increased by 5 per cent It cited weak consumer spending for its forecasts of 2008 earnings below many Wall Street estimates. It predicted comparable-store sales growth for 2008 of 3 per cent to 5 per cent, against its long-term targeted range of 3 to 7 per cent. Starbucks opened 1,065 stores during the last year. It said it would open 100 fewer US stores in 2008.

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:51:41 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:51:31 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:51:22 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 20:51:12 (EST)
    Name: jo

  • [][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][][]

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 18:40:11 (EST)
    Name: ET
  • AT CREEK, Calif.--It's easy to spot Jack Welch's airplane as it glides past the foothills near this tiny mountain town. It's the
    only one. Hardly anyone lives out this way--just a few thousand locals and a trickle of tourists. That's what makes it the perfect
    spot for what has turned into Welch's life work: listening to outer space. These days, the UC Berkeley professor's job has
    become a bit more precise. He's the first to hold the university's chair for the search for extraterrestrial intelligence--what
    researchers say is the first academic position of its kind in the world. That's right, he's waiting for ET to get on the phone. "We
    get that a lot," said Welch, who teaches astronomy and electrical engineering. Smiling politely at "X-Files" jokes, UFO
    questions and "Star Trek" references is practically part of the job. It's also part of his life. His wife, Jill Tartar, heads Project
    Phoenix for the Mountain View-based Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (known as SETI) near San Jose. She was the
    model for the astronomer played by Jodie Foster in the 1997 film "Contact," which is based on a story by Carl Sagan. With his
    appointment to the university's chair, Welch can place even greater emphasis on one of his great passions: finding evidence that
    human beings are not alone in the universe. "What's important about this position is the recognition that what we are working
    with is serious, legitimate science," he said. "We know so little about what's out there, not to look for [intelligent life] is really
    foolish." Scientists have been looking "out there" from the university's Hat Creek Observatory near Lassen Peak in the
    Cascades since the 1960s. Welch helped set up the radio astronomy lab, and UC Berkeley scientists have been tracking
    signals sent by planets, stars, black holes and galaxies ever since. Ten radiotelescopes scan the heavens from a small plateau in
    the mountains. The whir and whine of their motors cut through the country stillness. Their round, white faces tilt in unison as a
    computer runs a "script," telling them where to point. A coyote watches this eerie ballet from the edge of a nearby clearing.
    Swallows flutter away when their perch suddenly swivels. Welch, 65, has been making the trip to Hat Creek for more than 40
    years. He became a researcher at the university's observatory there in 1963 and served as director from 1972 to 1996. Rather
    than make the five- to six-hour drive north from the Bay Area, Welch learned to fly. "Interstate 5 wasn't built then, and on each
    trip up here I'd see a few accidents on the roads," he said. "I figured the odds were against me, so flying to Hat Creek looked
    like a good idea." Welch now flies in weekly in his blue Cessna as he carries out his five-year mission. The Watson and
    Marilyn Albert chair he has held since September was set up with a $500,000 gift by a pair of Berkeley alumni. The professor
    plans to build 500 to 1,000 radiotelescopes, which will be electronically connected to form one enormous instrument. The
    array would cover more than two acres and have a collecting area of 10,000 square meters. The giant telescope is expected to
    cost about $25 million. "The exciting thing is we think we can arrange to look in several directions at once, which means that
    instead of looking at 10 stars, we can look at hundreds of stars," Welch said. The resulting radiotelescope will be devoted
    largely to the search for extraterrestrial life. The instrument will scan the universe and listen for a signal whose power and
    narrow focus make it stand out from galactic "noise." If such a signal is heard, an alarm will sound and scientists will search for
    the source. "If someone is sending a beacon and they're within 10 light years, we'll be able to hear it. We'll be able to have a
    conversation," Welch said, then grinned. "My nightmare is the answer will come back, 'Would you please repeat the question?'
    " In light of intense interest in and skepticism about the project, Welch finds himself repeating several answers. "I have to tell
    people we're not looking for UFOs; we're looking for signals," he said. "I'm pretty well convinced there are other people out
    there. But will we find them in this lifetime? I'd say that's a longshot. But we have to look." Robert Jastrow, director of the
    Mount Wilson Institute in Los Angeles, agreed. A renowned astronomer who joined NASA the day it was formed, Jastrow
    helped oversee an event many thought would remain pure science fiction: the Apollo moon landing. He called Berkeley's SETI
    program a realistic project based on a line of clear reasoning. "Life is made of molecular building blocks that can exist on other
    planets and, for the first time, we have evidence that planets are common in the universe," Jastrow said. "If we find life on
    Mars, even if it's very primitive, then we know life started on two planets in one solar system. That makes the proposition of
    life in other solar systems even more likely." But what kind of life? Science fiction has long speculated on who could be out
    there and what they might want from Earth. Solomon Golomb, a professor of electrical engineering at USC, specializes in the
    creation and detection of signals. He wrote a tongue-in-cheek paper in the 1950s called Extraterrestrial Linguistics. It
    concludes with H.G. Wells' story about aliens who arrive on Earth "to serve man." "It turns out that they're writing a
    cookbook--rather a different meaning of 'to serve,' " he said. And that's his point. The idea that someone would advertise their
    location in the universe also presents problems, Golomb said. Although Earth's scientists listen to the universe, they don't
    advertise our presence. Radio and television transmissions emanating from our planet are so weak that they become mere
    noise over great distances. We don't send the kind of concentrated beacon Welch and others are searching for. "We're willing
    to listen but we don't transmit," Golomb said. "There might be a billion intelligent civilizations out there with that same attitude.
    Advertising 'Here's a good, hospitable planet' could be inviting pirates." Alien civilizations may remain ignorant of UC
    Berkeley's project, but many earthlings are already obsessed. It's human nature, says Stephen O'Leary, associate professor at
    USC's Annenberg School for Communication. "This appeals to a really deep part of the soul and imagination, and the
    university's appointment of a chair in the field reflects that," O'Leary said. "Try to imagine life from another planet and you are
    at the boundary of human understanding." That boundary is a perfect fit for Welch. He can look at the squiggle of circles and
    loopy lines that show the constellation Virgo and see--really see--the flaming stars, whirling cosmic dust and the black hole the
    computer printout represents. And he sees the possibilities. "There are several hundred billion stars in the Milky Way, and
    there are several hundred billion galaxies in the universe," Welch said. "Just think about that. It seems absurd to me that we're
    the only ones who have made it this far."

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 18:39:48 (EST)
    Name: jj -- Email: jj@as.com
  • http://www.phone-sex-psychologist.com

  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 18:37:52 (EST)
    Name: phone sex
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    Name: phone sex -- Email: jj@as.com
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  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 18:28:02 (EST)
    Name: jjd -- Email: jj@as.com
  • nice site
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  • Friday, November 16, 2007 -- 18:27:15 (EST)
    Name: jj -- Email: jj@as.com
  • jj

  • Wednesday, July 10, 2002 -- 19:29:36 (EDT)
    Name: Detroit Shawty Bout It Fo Yall -- Email: detroit_shorty_89@hotmail.com
  • How yall be playas. I just got to say late happy forth of July to all yall playas up at the Universty Of Michigan n to ma girl Sweetee. Yo Sweetee n So I still remember yalls even tho Im in tha dirty south aite. Fo sho tho yall take care ma girl Sweetee n do yall thing up in there.

    Monday, July 01, 2002 -- 10:39:59 (EDT)
    Name: Mario Alegria -- Email: LionofJuda36@Hotmail.com
    Location: Mays Landing, New Jersey United States
  • Wazzup Brothers, the brothers of Theta Chapter are trying to take a road trip to your chapter and surrounding chapters of Lambda THeta Alpha please give me a call back or Email me at Hotmail.com

    Monday, July 01, 2002 -- 10:33:15 (EDT)
    Name: Mario Alegria -- Email: LionofJuda36@Hotmail.com
    Location: Mays Landing, New Jersey United States
  • Hopefully you guys got my E-mail, if not please E-mail me back.

    Monday, July 01, 2002 -- 01:49:10 (EDT)
    Name: medprodukte
  • Enjoyed browsing through your site. Thought I should sign your guestbook. Stay Cool!!! Greatings from Germany!

    Sunday, June 30, 2002 -- 13:11:13 (EDT)
    Name: Casablanca -- Email:
  • Absolutely greate Site!

    Friday, June 28, 2002 -- 13:46:26 (EDT)
    Name: Netzkontakt -- Email: webmaster@netzkontakt.com
  • Greate Website! Thanks

    Sunday, June 23, 2002 -- 16:49:33 (EDT)
    Name: Karina Gutierrez -- Email: gutier34@msu.edu
    Location: E. Lansing, MI USA
  • Great web page! Keep up the great work.

    Wednesday, June 12, 2002 -- 03:06:21 (EDT)
    Name: Alberto
  • From all the Brothers in Alpha Omicron Chapter, Happy Birthday to Celso Cardenas!! Your hard work has served as an examples for us all. Keep strong and firme in NY and everywhere else your talent takes you.

    Alberto Sanchez.

    Tuesday, June 11, 2002 -- 14:23:18 (EDT)
    Name: Cynthia Alvarez -- Email: lta1975@umich.edu
  • Happy 21st Birthday Celso!!!! I hope you had a good time at Charlies!!! Well I hope you have a good time and hopefully I'll see you to give you your birthday gift....HeHeHe....


    Thursday, May 30, 2002 -- 18:31:17 (EDT)
    Name: Celso Cardenas -- Email: ccardena@umich.edu
  • On behalf of the brother os Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc-Alpha Omicron Chapter I wanted to wish our brother Adrian a Happy Birthday. Felididadez adriancito...te deseamos todo lo mejor en Chicago. Ojala y todos tus suenos se conviertan en realidad, te lo mereces.
    ~Celso Cardenas

    Thursday, May 30, 2002 -- 06:26:55 (EDT)
    Name: GERD Frede -- Email: profut@gmx.de
  • Hi,
    great site with many links and a lot of informations. Go on like this. All the best from Germany

    Tuesday, May 28, 2002 -- 12:56:57 (EDT)
    Name: Lambda Theta Phi-Alpha Omicron -- Email: lambda.theta.phi@umich.edu
  • On behalf of the brothers at Alpha Omicron "El Infierno en los Lagos" I wanted to wish ALBERTO SANCHEZ-APARICIO a Happy 21st Birthday. Brother congratulations on all of your accomplishments to this point, we wish you continued succeess on your future endeavors. Happy Birthday to "the best one"

    Celso "Firme" Cardenas
    Presidente de Alpha Omicron

    Sunday, May 26, 2002 -- 21:25:10 (EDT)
    Name: Detroit Shawty In Heah Aite -- Email: detroit_shorty_89@hotmail.com
  • Fo sho tho I gots 2 holla mad luv to ma girl Sweetee Cardenas n her man So fo Memrial Day aite. Yo So you n Sweetee gots 2 have a fo real happy Memrial Day n you got to treat her real good n not like she no hood rat aite. Fo sho all yall be hold it down in tha Universty of Michigan n all yall gots 2 help me holla my luv to Mrs Cardenas. This ones fo you Sweetee.
    Fo real tho all yall got 2 have a good Memrial Day n yall want yall can come to ma crib in Southfeild but yall aint come if yall aint bring Sweetee n So wit you. Aite.

    Thursday, May 23, 2002 -- 23:54:51 (EDT)
    Name: Web master
  • TEST

    Thursday, May 16, 2002 -- 00:22:53 (EDT)
    Name: Jennifer Rincones -- Email: oneluv4ltace@yahoo.com
  • Hey guys,
    just wanted to say whats up and hope to see some of you at the game on friday...I know "Money Bags" Rich bought some tickets so i better see ya'll there. Also I wnted to know if ya'll wanted to have a picnic next weekend with us, maybe that sunday the 26th before we leave for convention that weekend following. Hit me up and let me know
    Con MUCHO amor de Lambda,
    Beta Omega Chapter

    Monday, May 13, 2002 -- 17:03:49 (EDT)
    Name: Miklo -- Email: mlespino@umich.edu
  • what up ya'll....just wanted to let ya'll know i'm doing fine and well in the chi....i got a spot in lil italy and still trying to find another job....get at me i still got the same cell....peace...

    Tuesday, May 07, 2002 -- 01:53:48 (EDT)
    Name: Jaime Calderon -- Email: jcaldero@calpoly.edu
  • Brothers,
    This is Jaime Calderon from Alpha Omega Chapter.
    Simply scoping out your site and giving you all madd props for holding it down and truely representing the brown and white that runs through our veins.
    I part with these simple words.

    When I die I know I'm going to heaven... Because I've already been to HELL.


    Jaime Calderon
    Epsilon 1 Win'02
    ALpha Omega Chapter The beginning and the end.

    Sunday, May 05, 2002 -- 01:01:35 (EDT)
    Name: J. Jizzm -- Email: DJMeekos@aol
  • Hey Miguel E. I saw your message on our Alpha Phi guest book, maybe I can help you out. Tight grips Matt Sp00

    Friday, May 03, 2002 -- 09:17:08 (EDT)
    Name: Chu -- Email: mex_tex_02@yahoo.com
  • Hey all this website is tight. Sweet job.

  • Thursday, April 25, 2002 -- 12:14:54 (EDT)
    Name: Jaden Felix -- Email: felixj@umich.edu
  • Well...one day left for this semester. Hope everyone was able to accomplish their academic and fraternal goals this semester. If not there's always next semester, right? Looking forward to next year...hopefully we can do something collaborative that has a vested interest for and satisfies both groups.

    Tuesday, April 23, 2002 -- 14:56:12 (EDT)
    Name: terrell -- Email: tb77@cornell.edu
  • <p><font face="Impact" size="5">SLOPE DAY 2002- Friday, MAY 3rd, 11:00AM
    <p><font face="Impact" size="5" color="#FF0000">CORNELL UNIVERSITY

    <p><font size="5">Will your Chapter represent the Brown and White?
    <p><font size="5">All Accomadations will be made. There is plenty of room available to house everyone comfortably. Help your chapter hold shit down /\ style. Also, all Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha are welcome. DON"T MISS IT! </p>
    <p> </p>

    Tuesday, April 23, 2002 -- 02:10:28 (EDT)
    Name: Damian Turnquest -- Email: mowgli_dt@hotmail.com
  • Sayin wassup from Beta Gamma in FL.
    Bad ass page bros!!

    SP '00
    Beta line

    Sunday, April 21, 2002 -- 23:19:20 (EDT)
    Name: Cynthia Alvarez -- Email: lambda.theta.alpha@umich.edu
  • I like the banquet pictures that you put up!!!


    Friday, April 19, 2002 -- 13:34:22 (EDT)
    Name: D-Rod


    Tuesday, April 16, 2002 -- 13:04:43 (EDT)
    Name: Evita Peroncita -- Email: magdalena@migente.com
  • Hey guys....I just wanted to leave a message for those I got to chill with in Cali this past weekend. Cesar, Rich, Meeklo, Ricky, and Juan...it was great seeing you again and spending some time. You all haven't changed and it felt good to be around friends again. I definitely miss Michigan even more, now. This past weekend was mad crazy...but I had mad fun with all the brothers from everywhere. Take care guys...and hopefully I'll get to Michigan soon. And Cesar, keep me updated on next convention...cuz you know Michigan can do it up! Right? :O)

    Mad Lambda Love....

    Eva Pena "D"
    Founding Sister #8
    "The INFINITE Eight"
    Beta Ooooomicron Chapter

    Monday, April 08, 2002 -- 01:19:31 (EDT)
    Name: Angel -- Email: devvilangel@hotmail.com
  • whats up bros. just surfin in. Tight website. laters.

    Wednesday, April 03, 2002 -- 18:39:37 (EST)
    Name: Detroit Shawty Up In Here -- Email: detroit_shorty_89@hotmail.com
  • Yo how all yall be? Is almos May n yall got yalls 5 demayo comin up n I jus want 2 say happy early 5 demayo to ma girl Sweetee Cardenas n her man So Cardenas n all yall aite. Fo sho tho Mrs Cardenas got 2 show Detroit Shawty sum luv when yall be in tha D fo yalls mexican 5 demayo parade. Hold it down some mo playa So n keep it tite wit yo wifey Sweetee. Holla yall.

    Wednesday, April 03, 2002 -- 01:04:29 (EST)
    Name: Babydoll -- Email: wardlaw2@msu.edu
  • Zeta Sigma Chi Multicultural Sorority Inc. - Delta Chapter at Michigan State University is celebrating SIX YEARS STRONG at MSU...

    I L U M I N A D O
    Graffiti party @ Ramon's
    1146 S. Washington
    April 5, 2002 9p.m. - 2p.m.
    $6 to tingle $8 to mingle

    Wear a white T-shirt and bring a marker or buy one at the door. All are welcome, Hope to see you there.

    Sunday, March 31, 2002 -- 21:08:44 (EST)
    Name: Cynthia Alvarez -- Email: lambda.theta.alpha@umich.edu
  • Just wanted to wish Ricky a very very very very very very Happy Birthday!!!


    Saturday, March 30, 2002 -- 12:38:54 (EST)
    Name: Alberto
  • Want to wish a very Happy Birth day to Ricky!! We are very proud of what you have accomplished in the Fraternity and for your hard work in other fields!! From all of us, Felizidades Ricardo and stay strong.

    Friday, March 29, 2002 -- 03:10:39 (EST)
    Name: gunz -- Email: rliera@umich.edu
  • thanks for signing!!!!

    Sunday, March 24, 2002 -- 14:21:11 (EST)
    Name: Jaden Felix -- Email: felixj@umich.edu
  • Great workshop with Dr. Felix Padilla.

    I wanted to remind the Men of Lambda Theta Phi about the workshop/discussion about "The Role of Cultural Based Greek Lettered Organizations: Breaking the Mold." See you guys there.

    Hope tonight's cultural dinner goes well. I won't be there, as I work on Sundays.

    Tuesday, March 12, 2002 -- 18:23:46 (EST)
    Name: Lizette Alvarez -- Email: alvarezl@umich.edu
  • Your webpage is awesome, but I had trouble with your picture page, I don't think it's working.

    Tuesday, March 12, 2002 -- 12:32:20 (EST)
    Name: Raquenel Stephens -- Email: raquenel@softhome.net
  • Dear Friends,

    My name is Raquenel Stephens and I am an Hermana of Sigma Lambda Upsilon/Senoritas Latinas Unidas Sorority, Inc. Some Hermanas and I have formed a group called slu-jobs which we invite you to join. This list will be used to disseminate the large volume of job announcements, career fair information and employment related information which we receive. Though our organization maintains mostly internal lists, we greatly desire to inform all people of the job opportunities currently available. We greatly value your input and therefore extend a personal invitation to join our community. You may join by clicking on this link or navigating to the following address:


    or by sending email to:


    This is an email listserv which is moderated. All messages will come with a [slu-jobs] header. You can also select to have all posts to the list delivered to you only once a day.

    You may also publish to the list without joining. Feel free to send all employment-related email to


    for dissemination to list participants.

    We sincerely hope that you will consider sharing your connections with us and aiding others in gaining meaningful employment. Please forward this email to anyone whom you feel can benefit and/or contribute.

    Have a great day!

    Friday, March 08, 2002 -- 22:52:19 (EST)
  • <body vLink=#663300 aLink=#663300 link=#663300><h1><a href="http://www.acgrafx.com/lambdaconvention/">The Convention Website</a></h1></body>

    Wednesday, March 06, 2002 -- 14:29:21 (EST)
    Name: HELLO LOOKING UP YOUR GREAT SOCIETY -- Email: www.mzphatbootyint@hotmail.com

    Monday, March 04, 2002 -- 10:19:54 (EST)
    Name: Detrot Shawty Bout It Bout It -- Email: detroit_shorty_89@hotmail.com
  • Playa So I got 2 tell you n Mrs Sweetee Cardenas happy natinal latin america history month aite. Yall mexican so yall latin america n I got 2 tell yall that yall goin have tha mos hype latin america month eva playa cuz you got Sweetee wit you n fo sho tho Sweetee Cardenas make any day happy day 4 you playa. All yall on tha internet site yall happy natinal latin america month to playas n project chiks. Holla detroit_shorty_89@hotmail.com.
    Sumthin going down Detroit Shawty going around
    Detroit Shawty Brandon James King

    Tuesday, February 26, 2002 -- 12:52:57 (EST)
    Name: Freddy Mejias -- Email: wxm144@psu.edu
  • Yo brothers we tryin to see if we can bring our spring line up there for a day. We have spring break and our line is still goin to be on! PLease let me know if this is possible. You can contact me through email or call our Lambda House (814) 861-4241 -- Thanks a lot and please get in touch quickly! Freddy -aka- Executioner.....Alpha Nu -- Penn State Univ...SP '01...Gamma 1...The Sole Survivor!!!

    Tuesday, February 26, 2002 -- 03:01:28 (EST)
    Name: Andrea -- Email: aperez@umich.edu
  • On behalf of the Lovely Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc., I would like to congratulate the newest additions to Alpha Omicron Chapter.....Art and Tino. Welcome to the LAMBDA family, gentlemen!!

    Much love,
    Andrea Pérez
    Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.
    Beta Omicron Chapter
    FS#4 SP00

    Sunday, February 24, 2002 -- 01:07:52 (EST)
    Name: E.G.
  • Once again. This Edgar. And I again would like to say that we have the best website in the entire world...that is all.

    Saturday, February 23, 2002 -- 16:58:13 (EST)
    Name: Kelly Sappington -- Email: ksapping@umich.edu
  • On behalf of the Radiant Ladies of Zeta Sigma Chi I would like to say congratulations to the new gentlemen of Lambda Theta Phi. Welcome to the Greek community and enjoy yourselves!
    #1 SynErgy
    Zeta Sigma Chi
    Epsilon Chapter

    Saturday, February 23, 2002 -- 16:21:06 (EST)
    Name: Ramon Martinez -- Email: ramonm@engin.umich.edu
  • What's going on gentlemen. Just wanted to say Congratulations to the neos of Lambda Theta Phi. on behalf of the Distinguished Gentlemen of Sigma Lambda Beta Int'l Fraternity Inc.

    Ramon Mtz.

    Thursday, February 21, 2002 -- 16:22:09 (EST)
    Name: Celso Cardena -- Email: ccardena@umich.edu
  • Congratulations Zeta Line "Los Pilares de Acero"

    Art "Hierro" Tyson #1
    Tino "The Truth" Maldonado #3

    You guys have shown dedication, determination, and strength. Welcome to the Brown & White family. We are all very proud of both of you.

    Much Love & Respect,

    Celso "Firme" Cardenas
    AO Chapter President

    Sunday, February 17, 2002 -- 17:00:52 (EST)
    Name: 27 IDX 106 - Odinn
  • Good webpage you have here, and best greetings to you all

    And You Are --> WELCOME <-- To Visit My Webpage as well

    Wednesday, February 13, 2002 -- 10:17:34 (EST)
    Name: Detroit Shawty Brandon -- Email: detroit_shorty_89@hotmail.com
  • Yo wattup yall is Detroit Shawty bout it bout it. Playas I got 2 shout out 2 Sos woman Sweetee Cardenas cuz is her
    brithday tomorow n yall got 2 holla at Mrs Sweetee Cardenas cuz is her birthday n yall got to tell her happy birthday at rkmishra@umich.edu aite tho. Yo So hold it down real good wit your girl Sweetee n playa fo real yall tell to her me gusta tu cara bonita y me hace feliz y quiero mucho beso. Aite playa hold it down So.

    Monday, February 04, 2002 -- 18:53:13 (EST)
    Name: Rudy Roque
  • Greetings bros, justing dropping in say what's up. Hope to see and meet many of you out here in Cali at the 2002 Convention. There is no doubt that it will be a trip to remember for us all.

    Tight azz Grips,
    Rudy Roque
    Eta-line #4
    Fall '00
    Alpha Iota Chapter
    The Pyramid Of Aztlan

    Monday, February 04, 2002 -- 18:49:35 (EST)
    Name: Rudy Roque
  • Greetings bros, justing dropping in say what. Hope to see and meeting many of you out here in Cali at the 2002 Convention. There is no doubt that it will be a trip to remembe for us all.

    Tight azz Grips,
    Rudy Roque
    Eta-line #4
    Fall '00
    Alpha Iota Chapter
    The Pyramid Of Aztlan

    Thursday, January 31, 2002 -- 21:51:30 (EST)
    Name: Detroit Shawty Bout It Bout It -- Email: detroit_shorty_89@hotmail.com
  • Playa So I got 2 tell you this you tha mos hype playa out in Unitersty of Michigan So. Yall got the most hype internet site to fo real aite. Aite Mr Cardenas hold it down in college. Fo sho tho holla out to your girl Sweetee Cardenas for me aite playa. Yall keep it real out there. Yall be representing like my playa So.
    Brandon James King

    Saturday, January 26, 2002 -- 09:30:41 (EST)
    Name: Detroit Shawty Brandon -- Email: detroit_shorty_89@hotmail.com
  • Yo So you tha mos hype playa I know at the Universty of Michigan aite. Fo real tho So you got 2 hold it down at the Universty of Michigan like a fo real brotha aite So. Holla my love to yall girl Sweetee aite playa.
    Detroit Shawty In Tha House

    Thursday, December 20, 2001 -- 12:26:51 (EST)
    Name: Becky Trevino -- Email: btrevino@umich.edu
  • Hi! We were checking out websites b/c we are planning on revamping our own and I really think your site is great! I love the Flash and pictures. Very Nice. Have a great break and Happy Holidays!!! Do not worry we will not steal your ideas!! Hehe!

    Wednesday, December 19, 2001 -- 13:31:26 (EST)
    Name: Janelle -- Email: HASA@ucf.edu
  • <IMG SRC="http://www.michaeldeliz.com/flyer.jpg">

    Friday, December 14, 2001 -- 06:38:17 (EST)
    Name: Mark -- Email: mesquivel@unt.edu
  • Whats up bros, just checking out your web sight and wanted to hit your guestbook and wish all of you a safe and happy holidays. If I have any LB's, whats up bros. Every one take care.

    Tight Grips and much Lambda love,
    Eta#1 FA 01 Alpha Tau

    Monday, December 03, 2001 -- 19:42:28 (EST)
    Name: Diley -- Email: betaphi_fs4@hotmail.com
  • Just Browsing by to wish you gentlemen a happy and safe holiday. The site is really good, keep it up :) Adrian, thanks for signing our site... much lambda love to you as well. Some sisters are in Chicago already though... like myself and my linesister who graduated last May. So, just
    e-mail us sometime if you wish to get together or something. Congratulations on your success and keep up the good work gentlemen!!!

    Much Lambda Love,
    Diley "S" Setien
    SP01 ~ FS#4
    Beta Phi Chapter Alumna
    The SAGACIOUS Four

    Monday, December 03, 2001 -- 14:22:44 (EST)
    Name: Kelly -- Email: kellyrp@umich.edu
  • hey guys, the party on friday was hype, hope y'all had fun too!
    ps your brothers out at pi chapter are cool, you should bring them out to michigan sometime...

    Saturday, December 01, 2001 -- 14:11:58 (EST)
    Name: CALIFAS...Jaden -- Email: sigma.lambda.beta@umich.edu
  • Happy Anniversary!

    On behalf of the Distinguished Gentlemen of Sigma Lambda Beta, we would like to congratulate the Brothers of Alpha Omicron, and the rest of their Brotherhood, a warm Anniversary. Celebrate.

    Jaden CALIFAS Felix
    Zeta Chapter-Vice President

    Friday, November 30, 2001 -- 02:29:35 (EST)
    Name: Celso -- Email: rvalle@umich.edu
  • hello!!

    i would like to invite you guys to our party on nov 30th!
    i hear it's going to be a Selebration of goodness!! :)

    <img src="http://www.umich.edu/~ltalady/lambdalegend.gif">

    <img src="http://www.umich.edu/~ltalady/lambdalegendback.gif">

    Saturday, November 17, 2001 -- 13:41:38 (EST)
    Name: Kelly Sappington -- Email: ksapping@umich.edu
  • On behalf of the Ladies of Zeta Sigma Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc. I wanted to thank the brothers of Lambda Theta Phi for all of your support during our Founder's Week. We had a lot of fun working with you on the multicultural dinner and your performance in the show on Thursday was great! We were really feelin' the love, and you helped to make this week in celebration of our two-year anniversary at U of M a success. Thanks so much and we look forward to working with you again soon!
    Zeta Sigma Chi Multicultural Sorority, Inc.
    Epsilon Chapter
    #1 SynErgy

    Friday, November 09, 2001 -- 14:08:42 (EST)
    Name: diana floriano -- Email: mgc_conference@hotmail.com
  • <img src="http://www.nocturnaluniverse.com/Flyer_MGC_Conference.jpg">

    Friday, November 09, 2001 -- 14:07:06 (EST)
    Name: diana floriano -- Email: mgc_conference@hotmail.com
  • <img src="http://www.nocturnaluniverse.com/Flyer_MGC_Conference.jpg">

    Saturday, November 03, 2001 -- 19:26:56 (EST)
    Name: Lady6 -- Email: Lady6@migente.com
  • Well even though I don't know all of you guys .. I just wanted to compliment your page is off the hook... I want to send a special shout out to Roberto ( I hope you still remeber me) and to Cesar ( hi bb(you know))lol.. keep up the good work.. Ruff Buff has its doors open for you guys..
    The #6 of the 7 C.L.A.S.S.I.C ladies of the Bold and Tenacious Beta-Tau chapter
    Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority Inc

    Sunday, October 28, 2001 -- 02:35:09 (EST)
    Name: Raquel Casarez -- Email: lambdalady3@hotmail.com
  • Hey guys!
    I just wanted to say that your webpage is really nice! It's been a long time since I've looked at it and even longer since I've signed it:) Hope you all are doing well! I hardly see any of you any more! Rich, Celso, Juan, Diego, Lupe- I miss you guys!!! Hopefully things are going great for yal! Well take care! MUCH LAMBDA LOVE ALWAYS!!!! Raquel Casarez FS#3 "I" Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. BETA OMICRON CHAPTER!!!

    Sunday, October 21, 2001 -- 23:25:51 (EDT)
    Name: you know who i am! -- Email: not important.com
  • so um yeah... nice new fotos... meow!

    Monday, October 15, 2001 -- 16:13:32 (EDT)
    Name: Phiota -- Email: phiota@msu.edu
  • You are invited to attend AT the World Bar and Buffet in Lansing MI.........

    <img src= "http://www.geocities.com/ylimbal/xtassy/xtassy.jpg"><br>
    <img src= "http://www.geocities.com/ylimbal/xtassy/backtassy.jpg"></center>

    <font face = "verdana" size "+2" color = "navy">Se Siente, Se
    Siente................Los Phiotas Est? Presente!!!!!!</font>

    <marquee direction = "right">
    <font face = "verdana" size "+2" color = "navy">
    Since 1931!!!!!!!!!!!!!</font>

    FOR MORE INFO EMAIL:phiota@msu.edu

    Tuesday, October 09, 2001 -- 00:28:46 (EDT)
    Name: Cynthia
  • Hey Rogelio thanks for coming out to our event tonight.


    Friday, October 05, 2001 -- 19:29:21 (EDT)
    Name: KJ
  • Better make that 2 tickets. My ol school nigga Mito will role with me!! Get back at me.

    Friday, October 05, 2001 -- 19:05:36 (EDT)
    Name: KJ -- Email: spidermandies@hotmail.com
  • What em up bros? Tight web page!! You guys are always off the chain. Just wanted to say hi to all yall fools keep it brown an white up in tha north. Good work! Maybe a I'll take a LONG a$$ road trip and visit you guys if you all can hook me up for a football game. Hit me back.<p>Tight Grips,<p>Kevin Jaime "KJ"<br>President - Alpha Theta Chapter<br>Texas A&M University<br>Fall 98

    Thursday, October 04, 2001 -- 13:53:49 (EDT)
    Name: AZ chapter Z#4 -- Email: 84lambda@lycos.com
  • What's up bros. just checking out your website, pretty tight. Take it easy bros, tight grips. Z #4 from AZ chapter

    Saturday, September 29, 2001 -- 16:36:06 (EDT)
    Name: Waldir Alvarez -- Email: waldir.alvarez@verizon.net
  • <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
    WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=400>
    <PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="http://www.ctsector.org/Ad2.swf"> <PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high> <PARAM NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#FFFFFF> <EMBED src="http://www.ctsector.org/Ad2.swf" quality=high bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH=500 HEIGHT=400 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash"></EMBED>

    Wednesday, September 12, 2001 -- 22:47:45 (EDT)
    Name: Edgar
  • Hi all, I'm Edgar. I just like to say that, we hve the best web site in the world. That is all.

    Wednesday, August 29, 2001 -- 16:13:05 (EDT)
    Name: Omega Design Group -- Email: omegadesigns@bellsouth.net
  • Im offering website design specials for latino greeks email me for more info at : omegadesigns@bellsouth.net
    excellent prices including FLASH INTROS at awsome savings

    Wednesday, August 15, 2001 -- 16:26:08 (EDT)
    Name: Nit Tapia -- Email: ntapia@engin.umich.edu
  • Need more pics of Edgar!

    Monday, July 23, 2001 -- 04:11:28 (EDT)
    Name: Gerardo Arredondo -- Email: jerry@acgrafx.com
  • <a href="http://www.acgrafx.com"><img src="http://www.acgrafx.com/banners/bannerbrn.jpg" width="483" height="70" border="0"></a>
    Check us out...Gripz
    Lambda Theta Phi
    Beta Alpha Chapter

  • Thursday, June 14, 2001 -- 01:11:58 (EDT)
    Name: Jennifer Rincones -- Email: LambdaLadySp2001@aol.com
  • Hey whats up to all my Brothers at Alpha Omega Chapter. I am sending you sll my love from LTA's Beta Omega Chapter at Wayne State! Edgar you need to bring your ass back home so we can chill!! Hope to see you all soon
    Jennifer Rincones
    FS #1 "A"
    Beta Omega Chapter

    Wednesday, June 13, 2001 -- 13:29:35 (EDT)
    Name: Youth Organizer -- Email: doneal@mi-democrats.com
  • The Michigan Democratic Party would like to invite you to our "Welcome to the Party" Youth Picnic. Saturday June 23 at Kensington Metro Park from 1- 4pm. This Event is Free, Lunch will be served. Local elected officals and Govenor canidates will be present!This is a great chance to find out about internships and how to become politically connected! For questions or more info please call (517)371-5410 ext232. Hope to see you there!

    Wednesday, June 13, 2001 -- 11:50:53 (EDT)
    Name: Cynthia Alvarez
  • Hey....
    Just wanted to let you all know that I had a good time in New York this past weekend. Things may of not have gone as expected but I still had a good time. There will be a lot of things that I will remember from that trip. You all know how to show a lady a good time. Well gotta go talk to you all laters....
    Cynthia "F" Alvarez #4
    Lambda Theta Alpha
    Beta Omicron Chapter
    Line One Spring 2001

    Sunday, June 10, 2001 -- 23:04:47 (EDT)
    Name: Cynthia Rodriguez -- Email: Lambda_Lady_5@yahoo.com
  • Whats up! Just dropped in to say hello and check on how you guys are doing. (Very nice webpage by the way) Its been a while that I havent seen you guys. :( Hope you all are enjoying your spring semester and having a good time. Just wanted to invite all of you to the Lambda Ladies' 2nd Annual "Battle of the Midwest" Charity Softball Tournament. Its going on this Saturday..same bat time ... same bat channel. LOL I'm sure Minerva has mentioned it to you. :) Alright, well dont forget to keep in touch and hope to see you all there. Take care.
    Nos vemos el sabado. :)

    With Much Lambda Love,
    Cyndy "D" FS#5 ~~ "The Divine Nine"
    Beta Pi Chapter

    Thursday, May 17, 2001 -- 04:06:15 (EDT)
    Name: Minerva -- Email: wildlambda01@migente.com
  • Hi guys!!!!! I just wanted to say congratulations to those of you who graduated this past semester. I wish you all the best of luck. As for those of you who are still in school so am I. Edgar, the five to six year plan sounds pretty good to me ;) I'm still in Ypsi for those of you who are around and if you want to reach me just call Edgar or any of my sisters in Ann Arbor. Serafin, Ricky, and Roe....you guys are the best!!!! Celso no te quedas muy atras (lol) Well guys thats it for now.

    Lovely Lambda Lady
    Spring 2001 Line 1 #3
    Beta Pi Chapter

    P.S. Edgar you know I love you primo and I know you care besos babe!!!!!! :)

    Wednesday, May 16, 2001 -- 19:03:52 (EDT)
    Name: LatinosStep.com Staff -- Email: info@latinosstep.com
  • <center> <a href="http://www.latinosstep.com"> <img src="http://www.latinosstep.com/images/hwy_white.jpg"> <p>Buy Tickets Now!</a></center>

    Monday, May 14, 2001 -- 19:56:04 (EDT)
    Name: Cynthia Alejandra Alvarez
  • Just wanted to say hello to all the brothers. I know that the summer is just getting started but I hope that you all are enjoying yourselves. I also wanted to congradulate you all on everything you all have accomplished this past school year and can't wait for next year. Well everyone take care.
    Cynthia "F" Alvarez #4
    Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc
    Beta Omicron Chapter
    Line One Spring 2001

    Thursday, May 10, 2001 -- 17:36:14 (EDT)
    Name: David Rodriguez (D-Rod)
  • What's up brothers? Just checkin' out your site. Let me just say that it is pretty phat. In case you don't know myself and another brother will be chillin out there in Michigan for the summer doing internships with companies. I will be arriving in Michigan on May 20th, better get your salutes ready. Alright then stay up and throw those L's up. I expect you guys to show us what Michigan is all about. Alright. Tight grips.
    David Rodriguez
    Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Inc.
    Alpha Upsilon Chapter-"La Fuerza del Sol"
    University of New Mexico

    Wednesday, May 09, 2001 -- 00:53:23 (EDT)
    Name: Evita Peroncita...la chiquita bonita -- Email: magdalena@migente.com
  • i just wanted to drop a line to say congratulations to the graduating brothers at Alpha Omicron. also, congratulations to the chapter on the new additions this semester. i'm sure they will do great things...but nothin' beats Spring 2G...que no, Celi? hehe....

    but mostly...I wanted to leave a note for the brother who's kept touch with me. i miss you lots and wish nothing but the best for you. you have ALWAYS been a good friend, even when we had our differences. we will meet up again one day...somewhere. and don't forget...you promised me two for free...REMEMBER? don't think i forgot...i'm still gonna cash in on those.... :O)

    alright...take care peeps...one LAMBDA LOVE...

    "The INFINITE #8"
    Lambda Theta Alpha
    Beta Omicron Chapter

    Friday, May 04, 2001 -- 15:14:15 (EDT)
    Name: helen aka sassy -- Email: slksassy@aol.com
  • hi there -just ran across your site. it looks great!
    GOOD LUCK with FINALS!!!!!best wishes
    <3 sassy

    Thursday, May 03, 2001 -- 11:56:27 (EDT)
    Name: Summer Rose... -- Email: summerdel@hotmail.com
  • Hello -

    I just want to say that i LOVE your intro page and that I have had a great time these past four years getting to know some of you and watching all of you grow and prosper. I am very proud of you all and as I say farewell to my time at UM....you better believe that LTPhi is a part of my memories...
    Best of luck to the LTPhi graduates and all my love to those that are staying to represent...
    Love...Summer Rose..."A"...#2...LTA...Beta Ooooomicron

    Tuesday, May 01, 2001 -- 15:10:07 (EDT)
    Name: Daniel Gil -- Email: elsuspecto@hotmail.com
  • Tight Grips to the Midwest brothers holding it down. Nice website, and keep up the good work. Hopefully we'll cross paths one day. Remember the banquet is in Connecticut this year, so hopefully we'll meet. Shout out to my LB'z of SP 01! We did baby! Holla at me whenever. I left the email. Aite BROZ! GRIPZ!

    Daniel Gil
    SP 01
    K 10
    "The Survivors of the Genocide"

    Thursday, April 26, 2001 -- 15:08:54 (EDT)
    Name: Angelo Paredes -- Email: whitefox75@aol.com
  • C O R N E L L U N I V E R S I T Y

    MAY 4th


    We are expecting Florida, Michigan, Connecticut and Jersey brothers

    Thursday, April 26, 2001 -- 11:49:22 (EDT)
    Name: Alberto
  • Congratulations to La Eterna Trinidad!! Ricardo, Rogelio and Serafin. You guys show a great deal of heart and endurance through out, and when things didn’t go well you stuck through and did not quit. Wear your letters with poise and pride. You earned them!!!


    Wednesday, January 31, 2001 -- 10:58:01 (EST)
    Name: Evita Peroncita -- Email: Magdalena@migente.com
  • hey Lambdas!...just wanted to send some SouthWEST LAMBDA LOVE to my boys...miss you all! hope things are going well for you all individually, and as a chapter. Thanks to you for supporting my sisters at Beta Omicron and Beta Pi Chapters. Hope to see you all in March when I come to visit...All the brothers from Arizona said hi you guys.

    Adrian...Mario says what up...I partied with him last weekend. And your brother Hector has some pretty good merengue moves...I think you have some competition. :O)

    Celso...hope you're not stressin' too much...but keep workin' hard. I miss you...

    Cesar...thanks for sending me that info...and I hope that things are good for you. We should talk soon...

    Calzonzi...hope you're doin' well and stayin' out of trouble. :O) you should email me...and I have those Chicago contacts for you...so email me back!

    Alright peeps...take care...and MAD LAMBDA LOVE!

    Eva "D" FS#8 "The INFINITE Eight" Beta Oooomicron SP'00

    Tuesday, January 30, 2001 -- 02:09:29 (EST)
    Name: Summer -- Email: summerdel@hotmail.com
  • Hello Lambdas at UM! I just wanted to say your website is very nice and I especially llike the conquistador explanation. I wish you all the best for winter semester and want to thank so many of you for coming out to our Founder's Party this past Friday...It meant alot to us to see you there! We look forward to sponsoring the Charity Ball together and you should be proud cuz you have so many brothers truly representing every day....Diego thank you so much for all your help, i really appreciate it! Adrian thanks for always supporting Beta Ooooooomicron chapter...Celso I am so proud of all that you do, you make Chitown look very very good : ) Okay well much Lambda Love to all of you...............Summer...........Founding Sister of Lambda Theta Alpha.............."Latin by Tradition, not by Definition"

    Monday, January 29, 2001 -- 01:03:14 (EST)
    Name: Ixsy -- Email: ixsy.ramirez@yale.edu
  • Hey guys what's up? I was just going through the gamma guestbook at michigan and noticed Adrian's message. Thanks for the props man. It is true-- we go back a long way. Crazy how time flies. So when will I be seeing you guys join me out here in ivy league? I'd fill you in on what i'm up to but I can't tell you about my conspiracy to exile out the president. ooops did I share that with everyone. JK. let me know what's up and if you guys ever plan on visiting. Later.
    Ritmo #2
    Sigma Lambda Gamma Beta Chapter Alum and Founder

    Thursday, January 25, 2001 -- 16:55:50 (EST)
    Name: Lambda Theta Alpha -- Email: lta1975@umich.edu
  • Just wanted to invite all of you to
    *Lambda Theta Alpha's FOUNDER'S WEEK PARTY
    *FRIDAY JAN 26, 2001
    *@ Tower Inn (701 W. Cross, Ypsilanti)
    *18 to party, 21 to drink
    Hope to see you all there!!
    Much Lambda Love,
    The Lovely Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc.
    Beta Omicron & Beta Pi Chapters

    Tuesday, January 16, 2001 -- 18:28:58 (EST)
    Name: Amy -- Email: desafiada29@hotmail.com
  • hey What's up to the gentlemen of Lambda Theta Phi. Just wanted to send a shout out to my boy Celso. Hope everything is going well for you at Michigan. Take care and good luck to your organization.
    Desafiada #6
    Las Realisadas
    Sigma Lambda Gamma

    Tuesday, January 16, 2001 -- 14:40:27 (EST)
    Name: CAMAC
  • <br><img src="http://nocturnaluniverse.com/camac_scla14.jpg" border="0" width="576" height="361">

    Thursday, December 14, 2000 -- 16:50:12 (EST)
    Name: C.O.
  • Just want to CONGRATULATE Founding Brother #1...Jose Guadalupe San Roman for GRADUATING! We are continuing the tradition from Southwest Detroit!

    Monday, December 11, 2000 -- 00:13:27 (EST)
    Name: Evita Peroncita -- Email: penae@umich.edu
  • What up LAMBDAS!!! I just wanted to send a HUGE thanks to those brothers that came out and supported our party on Saturday....hope you all had a good time!...I know those UDMercy Brothers did...hehe. Shout out to them for supporting as well!....Cesar, Lupe, and Juan....thanks a MILLION.....your presence meant a lot to my sisters, but especially to me! Thanks again!

    Take care...

    Lambda Love,
