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Folio 7


He (the Duke of Somerset) was beheaded soon after Eight of the
Clock in the Morning; being brought to his Execution the sooner, to prevent
the Concourse of the People, who would be forward to see the last End of
one so well beloved by them.
It was the #gretts compeny as* ha#[d] b#[ene] sy#[ne]
Th #e kyngs gard behyng there wt ther# armes, there were
a thousand # mo wt halbards of the prevelege of ye towre# from Ratcliff,
L #ynhowsse whyt chapell sant kateryn & stre#tford Bow 5
as hogston sordyche & ther ye ij shreyffs behyng# present
seyng ye execusyon of my lord & ys hed to #
of & aft- shortely ys body was putt in to a #coffin and carried
in to ye towre & ther bered in ye chyrche of# the north
syd of ye qwyre of sant peters ye wyche I bes#eech God 10
haue mercy on ys sowlle amen & ther w#as a sudden
rumbelyng a lytyll a for he ded as yt had# been guns
shuttyng & grett horssys commyng yt a M ff#ell to the
grond for ffere for thay yt wher at ye on s#ide thought
no nodur butt yt one was kyllyng odur y#t they fell 15
down to ye grond on apon a nodur wt ther h#albards
they thought no nodur butt yt thay shuld#[flee]
sum fell in to dyche of ye towre & odur plasy#s
& a c in to ye towredyche & sum ran a way# [for fear]


The xxv day of januarij be gane ye plement# [at] 20
westmynster a gayne ye v yer of k e vjts #t


The xxvij day of januarij was reynyd at westmyns#[ter]

hall ser Raff a vane knyght of tresun & qwyt of hytt# #
& cast of felony to be hangyd ye v yer k e vjts


The xxviij day of januarij was reynyd S thomas arundell 25
knyght & so the #[qu]#yett cold nott fynd ym tyll ye morow after #nyd
& so he whent to ye towre a gayne & then ye qwest wher shutt
vp tyll ye morow wt owt mett or drynke or candyll or fyre
& on ye morow he cam a gayne & ye qwest qwytt ym of tresun
& cast hym of felony to be hangyd ye v k e vjts 30


The v day of feybruarij was reynyd S mylls partorege

knyght of tresun & gwytt of yt & cast of felony to be Raynyd
hangyd ye vj yer of k e vjts