Program Outline
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Program Outline

How to Prepare

Preparation is not absolutely necessary for the Math/Science Exam or Trivia Rounds.  But, if you feel like you should prepare, the following materials would be helpful:

-SAT, ACT, MCAT Preparation Books

MASCI Challenge Sample Event Schedule


5:30-6:00 PM        Check In at Hotel

6:15-6:45 PM        Ice Breaker

6:45-8:00 PM        Dinner

8:00-10:00 PM      Team Math/Science Test


7:30-8:00 AM        Breakfast

8:10-12:00 PM      Trivia Rounds

12:10-12:50 PM    Lunch

1:00-6:00 PM        Pre-Health/Engineering

6:15-7:00PM         Dinner

7:15-10:00PM       Entertainment


11:00-1:00PM       Lunch/Award Banquet