Large Deviations

Theory and Applications of
Large Deviation Statistics
June 4-8, 2007
335 West Hall, University of Michigan
1085 S.University Ave, Ann Arbor MI 48109
The Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics

Scientific Program
Travel and Hotel Information

Special Lecture which will be given by Mark Freidlin to honor Professor Alexander Wentzell on his 70th birthday.


Mark Freidlin


Metastability and Stochastic Resonance in Multiscale Systems


First, I will remind how the notions of metastability and stochastic resonance for stochastically perturbed systems are described in the large deviation theory. Then I will consider these notions for dynamical systems which are close to Hamiltonian systems and for systems such that a non- trivial deterministic dynamics is caused by the random perturbations themselves.

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Greenfield Village Trip
Wednesday, June 6,
following the
afternoon session

Banquet Information

June 7th 6:30 PM

Organizing Committee

Anna Amirdjanova,
Department of Statistics,
University of Michigan

Charlie Doering,
Departments of Mathematics and 
Physics & MCTP
University of Michigan

Len Sander,
Department of Physics
University of Michigan