Michigan summer school days in Ann Arbor
August 2-13, 2010
340 West Hall
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor Michigan

Quantum Simulation and Metrology

The 2010 Michigan Quantum Summer School will serve as an exploratory workshop on Quantum Simulation and Metrology. It will cover simulation of many-body, strongly correlated systems with controllable quantum platforms as well as classical computers, squeezed state and entangled state preparation, and their use to achieve high-precision measurements and to implement quantum information processing.

Quantum Simulation – Many-body, strongly correlated systems are central to various physical phenomena, such as quantum magnetism and high-Tc superconductivity in condensed matter physics and quark-gluon plasmas in nuclear physics.  A theoretical description of these effects, whether through Ising spin models, Fermi or Bose Hubbard models, or lattice QCD, is often difficult, if not intractable.  This workshop will discuss recent progress in simulating the Hamiltonians governing these systems (among others) with trapped, ultracold atoms (neutral or ionic) and molecules.  The atomic and molecular ensembles can be arranged in arbitrary lattice geometries with adjustable hopping rates, they can be constrained to move in zero, one, two, or three dimensions, they can be rotated, they can follow Bose or Fermi quantum statistics, and they have tunable interactions, which can be attractive or repulsive, short-range or long-range, and spin-dependent or spin-independent in nature.  This level of experimental control allows for the AMO systems to serve as a test bed for numerous effective field theories and to search for the non-trivial ground states of various Hamiltonians.

Quantum Metrology – Measurement precision is crucial for applications, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, gravimeters, magnetometers, and atomic clocks, as well as for tests of the fundamental principles of physics and symmetries of nature.  Atom-photon interactions have been used to generate spin squeezing in atomic vapors and Fock states of photons in a cavity while atom-atom interactions have produced atomic number-squeezed states in a Bose-Einstein condensate.  This workshop will discuss the applicability of these non-classical states of light and matter to metrology and quantum information science.

Confirmed Lecturers:

John Bollinger, NIST - Boulder
Brian DeMarco
, Illinois
Peter Littlewood, Cambridge
Seth Lloyd, MIT
John Martinis, UC – Santa Barbara
Chris Monroe - U. of Maryland
Joel Moore, UC – Berkeley
Luis Orozco, JQI
Ana Maria Rey, JILA
Richard Scalettar, UC – Davis
Ian Spielman, JQI
Dan Stamper-Kurn, UC – Berkeley
Joseph Thywissen, Toronto
James Thompson, JILA
Frank Verstraete, Vienna
Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Stanford

Funding provided by the following sponsors:


Previous Michigan Summer School Programs:
2008 Michigan Quantum Summer School Program