Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan


University of Michigan Chapter Constitution


Article I: Name of Organization

Section I. The name of this organization shall be University of Michigan-Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan and/or U of M-M.E.Ch.A.


Article II: Purpose

Section I U. of M. M.E.Ch.A. outlines the following organizational objectives:

A. To study, educate, inform, and promote to the students, faculty, staff, and community at-large about the political, cultural, social, economical, and philosophical issues that pertain to the Chicano community with an emphasis on Indigenous heritage.

B. To raise the awareness level of Chicanos within the U of M community who have regionalized experience of their identity and culture.

C. To combine theory and practice in our activism and seek social and economical justice as a Chicano Student Movement.

D. We will maintain a direct affiliation to National M.E.Ch.A. by following the rules and regulations of the National M.E.Ch.A. Constitution, the Midwest Regional Constitution, El Plan de Santa Barbara, El Plan d'Espiritual de Aztlan, and the M.E.Ch.A. position papers of philosophies, constitutions, outside organizations, and goals & objectives.



Article III: Membership

Section I U. of M. M.E.Ch.A. outlines the following criteria for membership:

A. New membership shall be open only to students who are enrolled at the University of Michigan regardless of race, national origin, creed, political affiliation, sex, religion, age, handicap, or veteran's status, who are in general accord with the above-stated purposes.

B. Any individual wishing to join, who have met the above criteria, must attend two consecutive meetings in order to obtain voting rights

C. A member shall lose voting rights after one unexcused absence in any given semester. A member shall lose membership after two unexcused absences in any given semester. Absences are excused for exams, illness, class or class related meetings, and family emergencies.

D. Any member may present a formal announcement for removal of any member at any official meeting. In order for the announcement to be considered there must be a second by an additional member. At the next scheduled meeting a 3/4 majority must approve the announcement for removal to take place.


Article IV: Meetings

Section I U. of M. M.E.Ch.A. outlines the following criteria for meetings:

A. At least 5 official meetings must be held both fall and winter semesters. These meetings shall be determined at the consensus of the U of M-M.E.Ch.A. members at the first meeting of each semester.

B. Quorum must be obtained for any meeting to take place. Quorum shall be 50% plus one of the total members.

C. Nonvoting individuals shall not be allowed in any M.E.Ch.A. meeting where M.E.Ch.A. business is being discussed unless sponsored by a voting member and approved by all voting members.


Article V: M.E.Ch.A. Chapter Guidelines

Section I U. of M. M.E.Ch.A. outlines the following criteria for chapter activities:

A. No social events shall be sponsored under the M.E.Ch.A. name (i.e. parties, dances, etc.).

B. All members must maintain a proper comportment at all M.E.Ch.A. sponsored events.


Article VI: Amendments to the Constitution


Amendments to the U of M-M.E.Ch.A. constitution can be approved by a 3/4 vote of total membership. Amendments to the constitution should be formally proposed at least one official meeting in advance of the official meeting when the vote will take place.