Question over here?


Yes. I would like to address Ms. Rezmierski.

One of the points that you raised, that you and I have agreed on in the past is to; as a matter of fact, the very first point this evening was "to prevent the reactionary institutional control", particularily emphasizing, "preventing the reactionary."

I'm a correspondant for radio station, RFPI in Costa Rica. We have an Internet address of

I wondered what the ... why the University reacted as reactionarily, as it did in the Jake Baker case, when your and my efforts seem to know that there have been true facts of confirmed stalking, confirmable staff promotion 'fixes', confirmable bomb threats, confirmable gratuitous e-mail openings penetrating into the Office of Mangement and Budget. That's an unfortunate part of history here.

Why did the University choose sex and violence in a virtual place instead of the reality of what has been delivered through your office to the University? To do something reactionary and to keep somebody in jail without bail?


: When we receive a complaint of any type, as you well know, we investigate that and determine what action is required. We did the same in this case.