MVS 330

Assignment H2

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Anatomy 1 - Muscular System

The purpose of this homework assignment is to review concepts of muscular anatomy and physiology. You will use an interactive CD-ROM tutorial that can be checked out and used at the New Media Center. Instructions are given below.


To check out the CD-ROM:

- Ask the NMC consultant at the counter for the MVS 330 CD-ROM named "ADAM Interactive Physiology - Muscular System."
- Hand over your ID.


To view the CD-ROM:

- Go to any Macintosh in the site.
- Open the CD-ROM drive by pressing the button and then insert the CD-ROM into the tray; press gently on the tray to close it.
- An icon that is labelled "ADAM IntPhys - Muscular" will appear on the desktop; double-click on the icon.
- Double-click on the "IntPhys - Muscular" folder. Launch the application used to view these four modules by double-clicking on their title bars:
1. Anatomy Review: Skeletal Muscle Tissue
2. Sliding Filament Theory
3. Contraction of Motor Units
4. Contraction of Whole Muscle
- To retrieve the CD-ROM when you are finished, drag the "ADAM IntPhys - Muscular" icon to the trash and the CD-ROM drawer will open.


To get credit (10 pts total):

Email Dr. Gross ( with the following information.
- Put "330-H2" in the subject line (don't use the quotes!) (1 pt).
- In the body of the message, state your name (1 pt) and the most interesting concept that you learned in each of the 4 modules that you viewed (4 @ 2 pts).




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 9/01
©1996 Melissa Gross, Ph.D.