Biomechanics of Human Movement

MVS 330

Assignment H9

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Normal Walking Tutorial

The purpose of this homework assignment is to give you practice thinking about concepts related to gait biomechanics. To complete the gait tutorial, go to the New Media Center and check out the CD entitled "Normal Walking." To view the CD, put the CD in any Macintosh at the NMC, and double click on its icon when it appears on the desktop.

Here's what you need to do:

You will see several options. You need to select the Easy Test, the Medium Test, and the Hard Test, and then answer only the questions that are identified on the following pages for each of the tests. Keep these test sheets for your review.

To get credit (10 pts):

Email Dr. Gross (
- Put "330-H9" in the subject line (1 pt)
- In the body of the message, state your name (1 pt), and what you found interesting or useful in these tests (8 pts)



2. One gait cycle consists of:



3. Stance phase in normal gait occupies what % of the gait cycle?



4. Temporal measurements include:



9. How many joint motion components (rockers) are associated with ankle stance phase?



10. First rocker is a period of:



11. During second rocker the primary muscle active at ankle is:



12. Between second and third rocker action of the plantar flexors:



14. At a normal walking speed during swing phase the knee acts like a:



16. Terminal swing is a period of:



19. The hip flexes in pre-swing by contraction of the:




2. Step length is:



3. Definition of one complete gait cycle is:



4. A child and adult can walk at the same velocity because:



10. The internal muscle moment during first rocker at the ankle is:



14. Which muscles prevent collapse of the knee during loading response?



18. The hip extensors work _______ during 1st rocker, to ________ power.



25. Step length can be compromised by:



26. Important mechanisms by which the body conserves energy are:




1. The duration of single support on the stance side is equal to:



2. Pre-swing is the same event as:



4. Walking velocity is equal to:



7. An example of an eccentric contraction is:



9. 3rd rocker (begins w/heel rise) and is (largely under control of the gastroc-soleus).



18. The hamstrings (participate as hip extensors in 1st half of stance) because the (three vastus muscles stabilize the distal joint).



19. During the last part of midstance which muscles are active at the hip?



20. The hip achieves maximum extension during:




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Revised 9/01
©1996 Melissa Gross, Ph.D.