Biomechanics of Human Movement 

MVS 330

Assignment P1

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Project Plan

The purpose of this assignment is to formulate your project plan. Here's what you need to do: 

1. Form a project team. Get 3 people together for your team. Choose a one-word name for your team that describes your project (this one word name will be used for your team's group email address and appear on all web and printed material). 

2. Decide on a project topic. You need to compare two movements. Discuss your ideas with the lab instructor and/or a facilitator. 

3. Describe your project. Create a document, 3-4 sentences long, that states the question that you plan to answer. Also, state why the question is interesting to you and why it is important to answer. Name the file "project plan" and put it in a folder on your ZIP disk called "text." 

4. Plan your video data collection session. Draw a storyboard. In this storyboard, you should give some indication of:

- the criteria you will use to select your subject

- which two joints and one segment you will study

- the anatomical location of the joint markers on your subject (you will need at least 4 marker locations)

- where you will put the camera relative to the subject 

5. Make backups of your work. Make 3 identical copies of your "project plan." Copy the contents of your team's most up-to-date ZIP disk to the other two team member's ZIP disks before leaving lab.

Due at the beginning of lab next week. See Class Schedule for due dates of all assignments. 



Here's what you turn in (25 pts total): 

1. Printouts of your "project plan" and "storyboard" to Keith Gordon 

- points for project plan (12 pts total)

- question (6 pts)
- rationale for question (6 pts)

- points for video plan (13 pts total)

- subject selection criteria (3 pts)
- 2 joints, 1 segment (3 pts)
- anatomical locations (4 pts)
- camera placement (3 pts)

IMPORTANT! Talk to Keith as soon as possible if you plan to:

- videotape off campus 

- use subjects who are not students in MVS 330 




Melissa Gross , Ph.D. - 
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology 

Revised 9/01
©1996 Melissa Gross