Biomechanics of Human Movement

Motion Analysis with Digital Video

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What is the difference in movement of the trunk when performing a bicep curl on very light dumbbells and extremely heavy dumbbells? We will examine the difference between these two movements, focusing on the trunk region. Our anatomical markers are located on the distal radial styloid process (wrist), distal lateral condyle of the humerus (elbow), acromion process (shoulder), and the greater trochanter (hip). We think that body movements will differ as weight increases because the body must exert more force to lift heavier objects. Weights will be selected based on the strength of the subject. The lighter weight will not pose a challenge on the subject, while the heavier weight will. It is interesting to notice how body motion changes and compensates when more force is needed to lift objects.


Kevin Atto

Kathy Haley

Jody Seshadri


 Professor Melissa Gross -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Feb 01
©1996 Melissa Gross