Biomechanics of Human Movement

Motion Analysis with Digital Video

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Our goal is to determine if there is any difference in trunk and/or leg angles between a person wearing normal running shoes as opposed to the same person wearing platform shoes with high heels. We find this interesting because we all are athletic women and like to wear fashionable shoes, which commonly include heels. It will be interesting to see if there is a difference in posture or leg movement between the two styles that may potentially harm an individual. There are many factors that affect running, for example traction and shock absorption of the shoes. Studies have found that high-heeled shoes, such as the shoes worn in our experiment, change the normal function of the ankle; to account for these changes, the hip and mainly the knee must compensate to maintain stability while running in high-heeled shoes (Kerrigan, D.C. et al, 1998).


Elizabeth Eichner

Laura Logie

Sara Cook


 Professor Melissa Gross -
The University of Michigan, Division of Kinesiology

Feb 01
©1996 Melissa Gross