Fall 2002

Discussion Section Syllabus



GSI                              Email                                Office Hours                 Location          

Kishi Animashaun         kanimash@umich.edu                                       

Brian Maguranyanga     bmaguran@umich.edu                                                                          



Section                         Day      Time                 Location                                    GSI

    2                              Mon     10-11                SPH1, Rm. 2000                      Brian   

    3                              Mon     9-10                 SPH1, Rm. 2000                      Brian

    4                              Mon     3-4                  SPH1, Rm. 2000                      Brian

    5                              Tues     11-12                SPH1, Rm. 2000                      Kishi

    6                              Wed     4-5                  SPH1, Rm. 2522                      Kishi    

    7                              Wed     3-4                  SPH1, Rm. 2522                      Kishi



Point Distribution


There is a total of 605 possible points out 600. Grades will not be based on a curve. The point distribution is below:


Activity                                                 Due Date                                  Points

First Exam                                                        Oct. 17th                                     100


Final Exam                                                        Dec. 10th or 17th                    100


Lecture Quizzes (8)                                           unannounced                             105

            15 points each; lowest dropped


Discussion Section Attendance                           ongoing                                     26

               Arriving late = minus 1 point                                                   


Discussion Section Participation                         ongoing                                     24


Assignment #1 -Lifestyle Assessment                October 3rd                                45


Assignment #2 - Land Use Planning                   October 29th                               50


Assignment #3 - Yellowstone Fires                    November 26th                          45


Class Project:

            Proposal                                               September 24th                          10

            Workplan                                              November 7th                            20

            Final Product                                         December 5th                            80




Discussion Section Schedule



Week of….                   Discussion Activity


September 9th                Introduction to course

                                    Introduce Class Project


September 16th              Lifestyle Discussion

                                    Introduce Assignment #1


September 23rd              Ecological Footprints Discussion

                                    Class Project Proposal Due


September 30th              Human Population Discussion: "Demographic Fatigue"

                                    Proposal Feedback

                                    Assignment #1 Due


October 7th                   Endangered Species (film)

                                    Introduce Assignment #2


October 14th                  (No Discussion Section this Week)


October 21st                  Rachel Carson & DDT (film)


October 28th                  Land Use Planning Presentations

                                    Assignment #2  Due


November 4th                Land Use Planning Presentations

                                    Workplan Due


November 11th              Mineral Extraction & Use: Environmental Justice Case Study


November 18th              Class Project Group Meeting

                                    Introduce Assignment #3


November 25th              Water Discussion


December 2nd               Class Project Presentations

                                    Assignment #3 Due


December 9th                Ecojeopardy!

                                    Course Evaluations       




Ground Rules:


Welcome to ENVIRON 201!!! We are very excited about this term and have many interesting activities and topics planned. We welcome you to attend any of our office hours, regardless of which GSI teaches your specific section. Please feel free to email us, as well. This sheet lays out the ground rules for this course. The rule of thumb is: "show up on time, turn in assignments on time, and actively participate in discussion and group work".


Grades: There is no curve. You can earn a total of 605 points.


Attendance: It is very important that you attend all lectures and discussion sections. The exams will generally cover lecture material, although some questions will be from readings and discussion sections.  You will receive points in discussion for attendance. If you miss a discussion section and know ahead of time, please attend another discussion section that week.  All discussion sections follow the same schedule and exercises, so you may attend any of the eight sections that week. If you are still unable to attend, please let your GSI know in advance.


Quizzes: There will be eight unannounced quizzes given during lecture this term.  Each is worth 15 points, and the lowest grade is dropped. They will cover material from previous two lectures and assigned readings. If you will be missing a lecture (and therefore possibly a quiz) for any reason, email Dr. Diana (jimd@umich.edu) in advance.


Assignments: Assignments will be handed out in discussion and they are due at the beginning of each Tuesday morning's lecture.  Late assignments will be marked down one letter grade each day they are overdue. Proofreading is critical. Grammar and spelling do count as part of your overall grade with each assignment.


Projects: You will be responsible for completing a term-long group project. Groups will be formed in discussion section, although you may work alone or with people in other sections. A proposal and a workplan will be due toward the beginning and middle of the term so that we can give you feedback on your ideas and progress. Final projects are due December 5th.



Although there are many opportunities for group work, unless explicitly stated, all work should be independently completed. If there is evidence of using someone else’s work (including undocumented information from primary literature, text, etc.) in an assignment you will receive a zero for that assignment and further action may be taken according to University guidelines.