M2 Instrumentation/Detectors
Thursday 10:30-12:00, Frontenac Ballroom
Chair: Roger Lecomte, UniversiteÇ de Sherbrooke & Bradley E. Patt, Photon Imaging, Inc.

M2-1 A Novel APD-Based Detector Module for Multi-Modality PET/SPECT/CT Scanners
A. Saoudi1, D. Rouleau1, R. Lecomte1
1Université de Sherbrooke

M2-2 Advantages using Pulse Shape Discrimination to Archive the Depth of Interaction Information (DOI) from a Multi Layer Phoswich Detector
M. Schmand1,3,4, L. Eriksson2,5, M.E. Casey1, K. Wienhard3, G. Flügge4, R. Nutt2
1CTI PET Systems, Inc., 2CTI, Inc., 3Max-Planck-Inst. for Neurology Research, Cologne, Germany, 4III. Physical Inst., Aachen, Germany, 5Karolinska Inst., Sweden

M2-3 Depth Identification Accuracy of a Three Layer Phoswich PET Detector Module
J. Seidel1, J. Vaquero1, S. Siegel1, W.R. Gandler1, M.V. Green1
1National Institutes of Health, Bethesda MD

M2-4 Simultaneous PET and Low Energy Transmission Acquisition in YSO-LSO and NaI(Tl)-LSO Phoswich Blocks
L. MacDonald1, Y. Tai1, E. Hoffman1, M. Dahlbom1
1Dept. of Molecular and Medical Pharmacology, UCLA School of Medicine

M2-5 Fast-channel LSO Detectors and Fiber-optic Encoding for Excellent Dual Photon Transmission Measurements in PET
W.F. Jones1, J. Moyers1, M.E. Casey1, C.C. Watson1, R. Nutt1
1CTI PET Systems, Inc.

M2-6 An Optimized Quadrant Sharing Block Detector for PET and SPECT
M.E. Casey1, M.S. Andreaco2, M. Schmand1,3, L. Eriksson2,4, R. Nutt2
1CTI PET Systems, Knoxville Tennessee, 2CTI Inc., Knoxville, Tennessee, 3Max-Planck-Inst. for Neurology Research, Cologne, Germany, 4Karolinska Inst., Sweden