NM1 Joint NSS/MIC Session
Wednesday, 3:00-5:30, Salon C
Chair: William W. Moses, Ph.D., Lawrence Berkeley Lab

NM1-1 The Coupled Metal-Gas 2D Quantum Sensor for Low Dose X and Gamma-ray Radiotherapy Imaging
G. Charpak2, J. Gerstenmayer1, S. Maitrejean2, I. Dorion2, C. Hennion2
1CEA, Bruyères le Châtel, France, 2BIOSPACE-Instruments, France

NM1-2 A Fully-3D, Low Cost PET Camera using HIDAC Detectors with Sub-millimeter Resolution for Imaging Small Animals
A.P. Jeavons1, R.A. Chandler1, C.A. Dettmar1
1Oxford Positron Systems

NM1-3 High Efficiency x-ray Imaging using Amorphous Silicon Flat Panel Arrays
J.T. Rahn1, F. Lemmi1, J. Lu1, P. Mei1, R.B. Apte1, R.A. Street1, R. Lujan2, R.L. Weisfield2
1Xerox PARC, 2dpiX, a Xerox New Enterprise Company

NM1-4 Investigation of Depth-of-Interaction by Pulse Shape Discrimination
A. Saoudi1, D. Rouleau1, M. Bentourkia1, R. Lecomte1, M. Andreaco2, M. Casey2, R. Nutt2, H. Dautet3
1Universit'e de Sherbrooke, 2CTI PET Systems, Inc., 3EG&G Optoelectronics
NM1-5 Prospects for Time-of-Flight PET Using LSO Scintillator
W.W. Moses1, S.E. Derenzo1
1Center for Functional Imaging, LBNL, Univ. of California

NM1-6 Compton Scatter Measurements with Silicon Strip and CdZnTe Detectors
T.J. O'Neill1,2, D.E. Bhattacharya1, G.L. Case1, D.D. Dixon1, C.O. Minor1, J. Samimi3, R. White1, A.D. Zych1
1Inst. of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Univ. of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA , 2also at Riverside Community College, Riverside, CA , 3Sharif Univ. of Tech., Tehran, Iran

 NM1-7 A pixelated 3D Anger camera with light-loss compensation
J.G. Rogers1, P. Gumplinger1
1TRIUMF, 4004 Wesbrook Mall, , 2Vancouver, B.C., CANADA V6T-2A3