"Thought is great and swift and free."
-Bertrand Russsell

Human thought is free.

Or is it?

The idea behind subliminal perception raises this important question. Subliminal perception is defined to be below the threshold of conscious perception. In lamen's terms, you perceive it (see it or hear it), but you don't know that you have perceived it. Therefore, you don't have the same kind of control over what influences your mind as you do with conscious perception.

Subliminal messages can appear anywhere: advertising, political propaganda, or even sitcoms. You may be receiving subliminal messages at this very moment, although you would never realize it.

This site is meant to provide you with a thorough knowledge base of subliminal perception. You will find out the history behind subliminal perception, the psychological explanations behind how it works to influence people, uses and examples of subliminal messages in society, and the legal issues that are raised in subliminal influence.

Is human thought free? Is is possible to manipulate the thoughts of others? These questions will become more blurry by the end of your journey through this site…