Phase 1 Trials Overview

  • Typically first study of drug (treatment) focused on clinical outcomes, specifically safety

  • Passed pre-clinical hurdles. Drug mechanism works in cell lines, animals.
    • e.g. Targeted therapy has been shown to inhibit genetic pathway has been inhibited

Phase 1 Trials Overview

  • Assumption is that toxicity (and potential for efficacy) increases with dose level

  • Goal is to identify "maximum tolerated dose" (MTD) : greatest dose level that induces an acceptable level of toxicity

"Phase 1" can mean different things

  • Common elements: focus on safety

  • Points of divergence: Multiple dose levels? What are expected side effects of drug? For whom is it intended?

Phase 1 Designs

  • Design driven by type, severity of expected toxicities, particularly dose-limiting toxicities (DLTs):

    • When DLTs are not terrible, subjects are healthy volunteers. Designs more closely resemble true experiments

    • When they are terrible, e.g. cytotoxic drugs, subjects are patients. Designs focus on ethical treatment of enrolled patients

Phase 1 trials in healthy volunteers

  • Often randomized, placebo-controlled:
    1. Randomize patients to (i) placebo or (ii) one of several dose levels
    2. Monitor patients for DLTs, e.g. headache, rash, cold symptoms. Typically minor and reversible
    3. MTD could be largest dose level in which estimated rate of DLT is less than X%
  • These designs discussed later in the course

Ethical Considerations (for healthy volunteers)

  1. What is definition of healthy?

  2. Is it safe to extrapolate from healthy to diseased?

  3. How much should volunteers be paid? Does financial compensation account for risks?

Phase 1 trials in patients (Cancer, HIV/AIDs)

  • Not randomized. No placebo
  • Typically dose-escalation study:
    1. Start at very low, conservative dose.
    2. Monitor for DLTs, e.g. hematologic, renal or hepatic function, cardiac, neurotoxicity
    3. Escalate dose level in next patient(s) if warranted
    4. Stop when toxicity is too large. MTD is largest dose level in which estimated rate of DLT is less than X%

Ethical Considerations (for patients)

  1. Acceptable to purposefully induce serious or life-threatening toxicity?

  2. Is truly informed consent possible?

  • We'll be discussing designs for these trials

Design Constraints

  • Enrolling sick/terminally-ill patients means:

    1. Small study population \(\rightarrow\) few patients \(\rightarrow\) low precision, no adjustment for confounding

    2. Heterogenous patients \(\rightarrow\) complicated disease and many prior therapies \(\rightarrow\) limited extrapolation, high false-positive rate

    3. Toxicities occur over time \(\rightarrow\) irreversible toxicities (i.e. death) may occur

Initial Steps

Key assumption of phase 1 designs: risk of toxicity (and therefore efficacy/response) monotonically increases with dose

  1. How should first dose (\(d_1\)) be chosen?
    • Too low risks being sub-therapeutic
    • Too high may be too toxic

    • \(d_1\) is often \(0.1\times\text{MELD}_{10}\) = 1/10th of dose that kills 10% of mice

Initial Steps

  1. How should subsequent dose levels (\(d_2, \ldots, d_m\)) be selected?
    • Subsequent dose levels are fractional increases of \(d_1\) (next page)

Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci sequence: \[1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, \ldots\]

Fibonacci ratio

\[ \begin{aligned} \tfrac{2}{1}, \tfrac{3}{2}, &\tfrac{5}{3}, \tfrac{8}{5}, \tfrac{13}{8}\Rightarrow\\ d_2&=2d_1, \\d_3&=1.5d_2, \\d_4&=1.67d_3, \\d_5&=1.6d_4, \\d_6&=1.63d_5 \end{aligned} \]

"Modified" Fibonacci ratio

\[d_2=2d_1, \\d_3=1.67d_2, \\d_4=1.5d_3, \\d_5=1.33d_4, \\d_6=1.33d_5\]

Constant growth

Alternative is to use constant multiplier: \[d_2=c\times d_1, \\d_3=c\times d_2, \\d_4=c\times d_3, \\d_5=c\times d_4, \\d_6=c\times d_5\] equivalent to equal-spaced log-dose levels

Two classes of phase 1 designs

Remaining questions (how to escalate?; how many patients to enroll?; what is MTD?) tied to choice of design. Two broad categories:

  1. Algorithmic

  2. Model-based

Storer's Design A (Storer, 1989)

Commonly known as "3+3"

  1. Enroll three at current dose (start at \(d_1\))

  2. If
    1. 0/3 toxicities, escalate
    2. 1/3, enroll 3 more
      • if 1/6, escalate
      • if \(>\) 1/6, stop trial
    3. \(>\) 1/3, stop trial
  3. MTD is dose below largest dose having \(>\) 1/3 or \(>\) 1/6

Monte Carlo method to evaluate designs

  • Many clinical trial questions may be answered with a yes/no (binary) answer, which might be "conclude that a particular dose is the MTD" (phase 1), "determine that an agent is active" (phase 2), or "conclude that new agent is better than the standard of care" (phase 3)

  • Want to know \(\Pr(C)\), but this may be analytically complex

Monte Carlo method to evaluate designs

  • Monte Carlo methods allows us to estimate by sampling \(C\) from its distribution: \[ \Pr(C) \approx \sum_{i=1}^M c_m / M \]

  • For example, if \(C\) corresponds to "dose 2 is found to be MTD", simulate 1000 3+3 trials and report the proportion that recommend dose 2 as estimate of \(\Pr(C)\)
  • Often called an 'operating characteristic' (OC). Trials will have many OCs

OCs require data-generating mechanism

  • Either analytic or simulation-based derivations require specifying all parameters, e.g.
    • In a 3+3 with \(k\) dose levels, must specify \(k\) probabilities \(\pi_i = \Pr(\text{Tox} | d_i)\), \(i=1,\ldots,k\)
  • So an OC is conditional on particular truth

Install R


Suppose two dose levels, with \(\pi_1=0.1\) and \(\pi_2 = 0.25\).

nsim = 2e3;
true_prob = c(0.1, 0.25);
cohort1a = rbinom(nsim, 3, true_prob[1]);
cohort1b = rbinom(nsim, 3, true_prob[1]);
cohort2a = rbinom(nsim, 3, true_prob[2]);
cohort2b = rbinom(nsim, 3, true_prob[2]);


#Recommend dose 1 as MTD
mean((cohort1a == 0 | (cohort1a + cohort1b <= 1)) 
     & (cohort2a + cohort2b > 1));
## [1] 0.435
#Recommend dose 2 as MTD
mean((cohort1a == 0 | (cohort1a + cohort1b <= 1)) 
     & (cohort2a + cohort2b  <= 1));
## [1] 0.472


results = 
  sim_storerA_fancy(true_probs = c(0.05, 0.10, 0.20, 0.30, 0.50, 0.70), 
                    nsim = 2e3, seed = 1);
## [1] "seed"           "true_probs"     "all_results"    "mtd_individual"
## [5] "enrollment"     "mtd_summary"
results$mtd_summary;#Dose selection probability
##      0      1      2      3      4      5      6 
## 0.0240 0.1085 0.2780 0.3290 0.2300 0.0290 0.0015
#Proportion of patients treated at each dose
summary(factor(results$all_results[,"dose_num"])) / nrow(results$all_results)
##      1      2      3      4      5      6 
## 0.2167 0.2544 0.2538 0.1870 0.0775 0.0107

Advantages of Storer's Design A

  • Will always pick dose with 0/3 or 1/6 toxicities
  • No need for statisticians or software

Disadvantages of Storer's Design A

  • No de-escalation
  • As few as 3 patients enrolled
  • What is interpretation of MTD?
  • Significant degree of uncertainty:
\(x\) \(n\) 95% CI
0 3 (0.00, 0.71)
1 6 (0.00, 0.64)

Disadvantages of Storer's Design A (con'td)

  • Four trials, same MTD

    Dose 1 Dose 2 Dose 3
    0/3 0/3 1/3+1/1
    1/3+0/3 1/3+0/3 1/3+1/1
    1/3+0/3 0/3 1/3+1/3
    0/3 1/3+0/3 1/3+1/2

Storer's Design BC

Stage 1

  • Evaluate patients individually
  • Escalate after each DLT-free patient
  • De-escalate after first DLT, go to stage 2

Storer's Design BC (cont'd)

Stage 2

  • Escalate after two consecutive DLT-free patients
  • De-escalate after each DLT
  • Stop after fixed sample size

To estimate MTD, fit logistic regression, \(\text{logit}\Pr(\text{DLT at dose } k) = \alpha + \beta k\), and choose \(k\) that is closest to desired rate

Advantages of Storer's Design BC

  • Ability to go up and down
  • Fast `climbing' of dose-toxicity curve
  • Easy
  • Fixed sample size

Disadvantages of Storer's Design BC

  • No guarantee that current patients are assigned to the best dose level
  • Not using full patient information to make dose assignments

Biased Coin Designs

  • Also up-and-down
  • Always de-escalate after DLT
  • Escalate with probability \(q\) if no DLT, otherwise stay at current dose level

Simulating a Biased Coin Design

sim_biasedcoin = function(true_probs, 
                          start = 1, 
                          q_esc = 1,
                          n = 20, 
                          nsim = 100, 
                          seed=sample(.Machine$integer.max,1)) {
#Put code in me 


  • Phase 1 trials are heterogenous and context dependent.

  • Ethical imperative of cancer and HIV/AIDS trials has motivated development of specialized designs

  • Algorithmic approaches ("3+3") are simple, fairly conservative, and very prevalent (\(>98\%\) of phase 1 cancer trials (Rogatko et al., 2007)) but demonstrably inferior in terms of identifying right dose.


  • Concept of patient horizon, e.g. (Simon, 1977)

  • Must consider quality of the knowledge gained and ethics of enrolling future patients in additional trials (Ashcroft et al., 1997)


Ashcroft, R.E., Chadwick, D.W., Clark, S., Edwards, R., Frith, L. and Hutton, J.L. (1997) Implications of socio-cultural contexts for the ethics of clinical trials. Health technology assessment (Winchester, England), 1, i–iv.

Penel, N. and Kramar, A. (2012) What does a modified-Fibonacci dose-escalation actually correspond to? BMC Medical Research Methodology, 12, 1.

Rogatko, A., Schoeneck, D., Jonas, W., Tighiouart, M., Khuri, F.R. and Porter, A. (2007) Translation of innovative designs into phase i trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25, 4982–4986.

Shamoo, A.E. and Resnik, D.B. (2006) Strategies to minimize risks and exploitation in phase one trials on healthy subjects. The American Journal of Bioethics, 6, W1–W13.

Simon, R. (1977) Adaptive treatment assignment methods and clinical trials. Biometrics, 743–749.

Storer, B.E. (1989) Design and analysis of phase i clinical trials. Biometrics, 925–937.