Neidium hitchcockii (Ehr.) Cl.





Collection 1782

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(Ehr.) Cl., K. Svenska Vet.-Akad. Handl.,Ny Foljd, 26(2):69. 1894 ().

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The valve of this taxon has triundualte sides. It has a straight raphe valve and the axial area of it is narrow. The ends of the taxon narrow sharply. The proximal ends are curved in opposite directions while the terminal ends are bifurcate. It has a small elliptical central area. The axial and central areas has longitudinal bands on the edges that the striae extend into. In this band the striae become indistinct. The striae are punctuate and are also slightly radiate throughout the entire valve. They are parallel at the ends. The axial bands this taxon has are one of its distinguishing characteristics (Patrick and Reimer 1966). This taxon is found in Lake Superior(E. F. Stoermer collection).

  • Type Locality
    USA, Bridgewater, Massachusetts, New England States, Middle Atlantic States, East Cental States, Lakes States, South Carolina, Washington, California (Patrick and Reimer 1966).

  • Ecology
    This taxon in found mainly in lakes but can occasionally be foundin rivers that drain into lakes. If it is found in rivers it will be in an allochthonous form (Patrick and Reimer 1966).

    Size ranges and morphology

  • Length is 35 to 100 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1966).
  • Width is 8 to 15 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1966).
  • Striae are about 20 in 10 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1966).
  • Puncta are 20 in 10 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1966).