Rhopalodia gibba (Ehr.)

Length: 164


Costae: 7


Collection 1553

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(Ehr.) O. Muller, Bot. Jahrb., 22:65, pl. 1, figs. 15-17 (Stoermer and Yang 1969)

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This image was taken utilizing DIC for the specimen above.

This image was taken in girdle view from E.F. Stoermer collection 1553. The length in 164, the width is 25, and the striae are 7 in 10 micrometers.

This image was taken utilizing DIC for the specimen above.

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In the girdle view of this taxon a frustule can be seen. It has a linear frustule with a swollen valve that is notched in the center. The valve ends ben away and the valve itself is bent. It has well developed costae with two or three alveoli between them. The striae of this taxon are single rows of alveoli (Patrick and Reimer 1975).

  • Synonyms
    Navicula gibba Ehrenberg, Infusionsthierchen, p. 184, pl. 13, fig. 19. 1839 (Stoermer and Yang 1969).
    Epithemia gibba (Ehr.) Kutz., Bacill., p. 35, pl. 4, fig. 22. 1844 (Patrick and Reimer 1975)
    Cystopleura gibba DeT., Syll. Alg., vol. 2, sect. 1, p. 780. 1891 (Patrick and Reimer 1975)

  • Ecology
    This taxon prefers water that is conductive and water that is found on plants (Patrick and Reimer 1975;Lowe 1974).

    Size ranges and morphology

  • Length is 80 to 300 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1975).
  • Width of the frustule is 18 to 30 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1966).
  • Width of the valve is 8 to 11 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1966).
  • Costae are 6 to 8 in 10 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1975).
  • Rows of alveoli are 12 to 16 in 10 micrometers (Patrick and Reimer 1975).