Vials of sediment apparently not worked up. Suspected from a Lake Superior core. Vial numbers are questionable as the COLLECTION RECORDS do not record these numbers as sediment samples. Boxed separately from COLLECTION.

667 S-9-62 2B
668 S-9-62 1B
674 S-9-62 1B
681 S-9-62 3B
685 S-9-62 5B
690 S-9-62 5B
706 S-9-62 7B
711 S-9-62 8B
bottom S-9-62 8B
mid S-9-62 6B
1053 S-8-62 top 1B
1055 S-8-62 1B
1058 S-8-62 1B
1067 S-8-62 2B
1067 S-8-62 3B
1070 S-8-62 3B
1073 S-8-62 4B
1076 S-8-62 4B
1080 S-8-62 6B
1085 S-8-62 7B
1088 S-8-62 7B
top S-8-62 5B
bottom S-8-62 2B

801. Scraping from rock under ± 10 cm water. Beach directly under south end of Mackinac Bridge, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 27 Sept. 1965. Contains: Rhizoclonium sp., Cosmarium sp. (rare), Agnemellium sp., Pediastrum sp., and numerous diatoms; Cymbella spp., Navicula spp., Synedra spp., Gomphoneis sp., Cymatopleura sp., Cyclotella sp., Nitzschia spp.

802. Chara sp. plants growing between rocks on beach directly under south end of Mackinac Bridge, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 27 Sept. 1965. Contains: Chara sp., Phormidium sp., Pediastrum sp., and numerous diatoms; Pinnularia sp., Cymbella spp. (w/auxospore!), Navicula spp., Cyclotella spp., Nitzschia spp., Fragilaria sp.

803. Bottom debris from shallow pool on Lake Michigan beach near entrance to Wilderness St. Park, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Oscillatoria spp., Navicula spp., Surirella sp.

804. Shore plankton from beach near entrance to Wilderness St. Park, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Oocystis sp., Ceratium sp., Gomphosphaeria sp., Botrycoccus (?) sp., Fragilaria spp., Asterionella sp., Tabellaria sp.

805. Scrape from rock on jetty near Waugoschance Point, Michigan;. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Calothrix sp. Tabellaria sp., few naviculoid diatoms.

806. Scrape from rock on beach northeast of Waugoschance Point, Wilderness St. Park, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Calothrix sp., Rhizoclonium sp., Pediastrum sp., Scenedesmus sp., Oscillatoria spp., Navicula spp., Cymbella spp., Cyclotella spp., Synedra spp., Tabellaria sp.

807. Scrape from rock on beach northeast of Waugoschance Point, Wilderness St. Park, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Rhizoclonium sp., Pediastrum sp., Calothrix sp., Oscillatoria sp., Navicula spp., Cymbella spp., Rhopalodia sp., Synedra spp., Fragilaria sp., Cyclotella spp., Tabellaria sp., Nitzschia sp.

808. Cladophora sp. taken from rocks on north side of Mackinaw City, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Cladophora sp., Cosmarium sp., Cocconeis spp., Cymbella spp., Navicula spp., Gomphonema spp., Meridion sp.

809. Scrape from rock on north side of Mackinaw City Public Dock, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Ulothrix sp., Cymbella spp., Fragilaria spp., Navicula spp., Cyclotella spp.

810. Surface plankton from north side of Mackinaw City Public Dock, Mackinaw City, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Dictyosphaerium sp., Oocystis sp., Pediastrum spp., Ceratium sp., Dinobryon sp., Fragilaria spp., Tabellaria sp., Cyclotella spp., Asterionella sp., Pinnularia sp., Synedra spp., Navicula spp., Gomphoneis sp.

811. Old Cladophora on rocks 1/2 mile east of City Dock, Harbor Springs, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Cladophora sp., Diatoma sp., Cocconeis sp., Gomphonema spp., Cymbella spp., Rhiocosphenia sp., Neidium sp., Gompheneis sp.

812. Blue green algae on rocks 1/2 mile east of City Dock, Harbor Springs, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Oscillatoria sp., Pediastrum sp., Scenedesmus sp., Navicula spp., Diatoma sp., Cymbella spp., Gomphoneis sp., Synedra spp., Cocconeis sp., Gomphonema sp.

813. From bottom sand at 30 cm. on shore at Harbor Springs City Park, Harbor Springs, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Oscillatoria sp., Spirogyra sp., Navicula sp., Melosira sp., Cymatopleura sp. (also many Amoebae and Ciliates).

814. Red flocculent material from hole in rock above water line on beach between Good Hart and Cross Village, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Haematococcus sp., Oscillatoria sp., Pediastrum sp., Navicula spp., Cymbella spp., Denticula sp.

815. Scrape from rock at water line, beach between Good Hart and Cross Village, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Ulothrix spp., Gomphonema spp., Navicula spp., Cymbella spp. , Synedra spp., Amphora sp.

816. Green flocculent material in hole in rock above water line, beach between Good Hart and Cross Village, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer: 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Chroococcus sp., Haematococcus sp., Cymbella spp., Cyclotella spp., Navicula spp., Rhopalodia sp., Nitzschia spp., Amphora sp.

817. Bottom sediments from small pool on sand beach of Lake Michigan at Cross Village, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Nitzschia spp. (massive pops), Cymbella spp., Navicula spp.

818. Cladophora on log in breakwater at Cross Village, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 28 Sept. 1965. Contains: Cladophora sp., Diatoma sp., Cocconeis sp., Cymbella sp., Gomphonema sp.

819. Scrape from rock on beach at Petoskey-Bay View city limit, Petoskey, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Calothrix sp., Ulothrix sp., Cymbella spp., Diatoma sp., Pinnularia sp., Navicula spp., Cocconeis sp.

820. Cladophora on rocks inside breakwater, Petoskey, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Cladophora sp., Ulothrix sp., Diatoma sp., Cocconeis sp., Tabellaria sp.

821. Scrape from concrete 6 cm above water line, inside breakwater, Petoskey, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Ulothrix sp.

822. Cladophora on rocks inside breakwater, Charlevoix, Michigan. Coll: E, F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Cladophora sp., Cocconeis sp., Diatoma sp., Gomphonema sp., Cymbella sp., Gomphoneis sp.

823. From dock piling of public dock for town of Torch Lake, Torch Lake, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Cymbella spp., Synedra spp., Navicula spp., Gomphonema spp.

824. From rocks on river side of breakwater, Elk River, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Diatoma sp., Cymbella spp., Synedra spp., Navicula spp.

825. From rocks on Lake Michigan side of breakwater, Elk River, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Ulothrix sp., Diatoma sp., Gomphoneis sp., Gomphonema spp., Cymbella spp., Synedra spp., Navicula spp.

826. Surface plankton from river side of breakwater, Elk River. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Dinobryon sp., Gomphosphaeria sp., Ulothrix sp., Ceratium sp., Asterionella sp., Rhizosolenia sp., Fragilaria spp., Diatoma sp.

827. Surface Plankton from Lake Michigan side of breakwater, Elk River, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Gomphosphaeria sp., Dinobryon sp., Kirchneriella sp., Oocystis sp., Asterionella sp., Fragilaria sp., Rhizosolenia sp., Diatoma sp., Cyclotella sp.

828. Chaetophora incrassata in small pool by Artesian well near south city limits of Traverse City, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Chaetophora sp., Navicula spp., Nitzschia spp., Asterionella sp.

829. Rock scrape from inside boat slip, Suttons Bay, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Ulothrix sp., Diatoma sp., Cymbella spp., Achnanthes spp., Gomphoneis sp., Gomphonema spp., Synedra spp.

830. Scrape from rock in small pool on tip of Leelanau Peninsula near Grand Traverse Light House, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Calothrix sp., Tolypothrix sp., Gomphosphaeria sp., Chroococcus sp., Synedra spp., Navicula spp., Cymbella spp.

831. Bottom detritus from small rocky pool on tip of Leelanau Peninsula near Grand Traverse Light Station, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 29 Sept. 1965. Contains: Calothrix sp., Navicula sp., Nitzschia sp., Cymbella sp.

832. Bottom material from small pool in sand near mouth of Platte River in Benzie State Park, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Ulothrix sp., Pediastrum sp., Rhizoclonium sp., Haematococcus sp., Navicula spp., Nitzschia spp., Cymbella spp., Fragilaria sp., Synedra spp., Neidium spp., Pinnularia spp.

833. Scrape from board submerged in harbor, Frankfort, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Stigeoclonium sp., Closterium sp., Cymbella spp., Melosira sp., Navicula spp., Fragilaria spp., Diatoma sp., Gomphonema spp., Gomphoneis spp., Synedra spp., Rhiocosphenia sp., Amphora sp., Epithemia sp.

834. Chara on sand near shore, Lower Herring Lake, south of Elberta, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Chara sp., Gomphosphaeria sp., Calothrix sp., Cymbella spp., Navicula spp., Gomphonema spp., Fragilaria sp., Tabellaria sp., Melosira sp., Asterionella sp.

835. Scraping from concrete pier, Lower Herring Lake, south of Elberta, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Bulbocheatae sp., Oscillatoria sp., Scenedesmus sp., Rhizoclonium sp., Synedra spp., Cymbella spp., Diatoma sp., Navicula spp., Gomphonema spp., Cocconeis sp., Amphora sp.

836. Scraping from concrete ramp, harbor at town of Arcadia, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Oscillatoria sp., Scenedesmus sp., Melosira sp., Navicula spp., Amphora sp., Nitzschia spp., Cocconeis sp., Fragilaria, Cymbella spp.

837. Scraping from wood dock piling, harbor at town of Arcadia, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Oscillatoria sp., Oocystis sp., Scenedesmus sp., Melosira Navicula spp., Cymbella spp.

838. Flocculent mat in shallow pool on beach. North point, between Portage Lake and Lake Michigan, 12 miles north of Manistee, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Dictyosphaerium sp., Scenedesmus sp., Kirchneriella sp., Anabaena sp., Mallomonas sp., Cosmarium sp., Pandorina sp., Cylindrocystis (?) sp., Gomphosphaeria sp., Merismopedia sp., Fragilaria spp., Rhizosolenia sp., Cymbella spp., Melosira spp., Navicula spp., Tabellaria sp., Stephanodiscus sp., Nitzschia spp., Synedra spp.

839. Scraping from breakwater, north point between Portage Lake and Lake Michigan, 12 miles north of Manistee, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Ulothrix spp. Scenedesmus sp., Melosira spp., Synedra spp., Nitzschia spp., Diatoma spp. (?), Navicula spp., Cymbella spp., Stephanodiscus sp.

840. Scraping from board in water, "Snug Harbor" marina, Pentwater, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 30 Sept. 1965. Contains: Diatoma sp., Synedra spp., Cymbella spp., Nitzschia spp., Melosira sp.

841. Surface plankton, Muskegon Lake, Michigan, near harbor entrance. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 4 Oct. 1965. Contains: Botryococcus sp. (?), Scenedesmus sp., Pediastrum sp., Staurastrum sp., Melosira spp. (including spiral forms), Asterionella sp., Stephanodiscus sp., Fragilaria spp.

842. Surface plankton, Lake Michigan, 7 mi at 210° from White Lake, Michigan, inlet, 9 mi 300° from Muskegon, Michigan, inlet. Coll: E. F. Stoermer. 5 Oct. 1965. Contains: Dictyosphaerium sp., Coelastrum sp., Staurastrum sp., Anabaena sp., Gomphosphaeria sp., Cosmarium sp., Oocystis sp., Dinobryon sp., Ceratium sp., Fragilaria spp., Tabellaria sp., Melosira sp., Stephanodiscus sp., Gyrosigma sp., Asterionella sp., Nitzschia sp., Diatoma sp., Nitzschia sp., Amphiprora sp., Synedra sp., Cymatopleura sp.

843. Rocks and gravel dredge from station A-6. Coll: David Bos. 16 July 1965. (only cleaned material)

844. Plankton, Surface, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

845. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

846. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

847. Plankton, Surface, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

848. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

849. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

850. Plankton, Surface, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

851. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

852. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

853. Plankton, Surface, Station C-3. 42°49'10"N; 86°28'25"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

854. Plankton, 5 meters, Station C-3. 42°49'10"N; 86°28'25"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

855. Plankton, 15 meters, Station C-3. 42°49'10"N; 86°28'25"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

856. Plankton, Surface, Station C-5. 42°49'00"N; 86°50'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

857. Plankton, 5 meters, Station C-5. 42°49'00"N; 86°50'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

858. Plankton, 15 meters, Station C-5. 42°49'00"N; 86°50'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

859. Plankton, Surface, Station C-7. 42°47'30"N; 87°34'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

860. Plankton, 5 meters, Station C-7. 42°47'30"N; 87°34'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

861. Plankton, 15 meters, Station C-7. 42°47'30"N; 87°34'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

862. Plankton, Surface, Station D-2. 43°56'00"N; 86°39'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

863. Plankton, 5 meters, Station D-2. 43°56'00"N; 86°39'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

864. Plankton, 15 meters, Station D-2, 43°56'00"N; 86°39'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

865. Plankton, Surface, Station D-4. 43°48'00"N; 87°03'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

866. Plankton, 5 meters, Station D-4. 43°48'00"; 87°03'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

867. Plankton, 15 meters, Station D-4. 43°48'00"N; 87°03'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

868. Plankton, Surface, Station D-5. 43°38'40"N; 87°31'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

869. Plankton, 5 meters, Station D-5. 43°38'40"N; 87°31'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

870. Plankton, 15 meters, Station D-5. 43°38'40"N; 87°31'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

871. Plankton, Surface, Station E-2. 44°37'00"N; 86°21'42"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 mll.

872. Plankton, 5 meters, Station E-2. 44°37'00"N; 86°21'42"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

873. Plankton, 15 meters, Station E-2. 44°37'00"N; 86°21'42"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov.,1965, (500 ml).

874. Plankton, Surface, Station E-3. 44°34'00"N; 86°40'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

875. Plankton, 5 meters, Station E-3. 44°34'00"N; 86°40'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

876. Plankton, 15-meters, Station E-3. 44°34'00"N; 86°40'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

877. Plankton, Surface, Station E-5. 44°25'30"N; 87°10'18"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

878. Plankton, 5 meters, Station E-5. 44°25'30"N; 87°10'18"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

879. Plankton, 15 meters, Station E-5. 44°25'30"N; 87°10'18"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Nov. 1965, (500 ml).

880. #25 net shore plankton, Barton Pond, 1/2 mile above dam SW 1/4, SECT 17 R6E TWP 2S Washtenaw County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 Jan. 1966.

881. #25 net shore plankton, Barton Pond at Country Club Ave. bridge NW 1/4 SECT 12 R5E TWP 2S Washtenaw County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 Jan. 1966.

882. #25 net surface plankton, outlet of Big Portage Lake SE 1/4 SECT 1R4E TWP 1S Washtenaw County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 Jan. 1966.

883. #25 net surface plankton, 8 mi. at 269° off Grand Haven, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 12 Jan. 1966.

884. Settled plankton, St. Lawrence River. Coll: C. I. Weber. Sept. 1965. Melosira binderiana.

885. Bottom material containing large, gelatinous masses of stalked rotifers with zoochlorallae, Big Silver Lake, Sec. 4 R. 4E TWP 1S, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Contained quantities of sigmoid Nitzschia and Achnanthes. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 2 April 1966.

886. Bottom material from Big Silver Lake, Sec. 4 R. 4E TWP 1S, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 2 April 1966.

887. Coccochloris mass from shore of Crooked Lake, Sec. 5 R. 4E TWP 1S, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 2 April 1966.

888. Material collected from dead Ulothrix and Spirogyra mat, on shore of Crooked Lake, Sec. 5 R. 4E TWP 1S, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Apparent saprophytic diatom community. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 2 April 1966.

889. Bottom material collected from swamp on the southeast side of the town of Hell, Michigan. Sec. 32 R. 4E TWP 1N, Livingston County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 2 April 1966.

890. Bottom material collected just above dam in Hell, Michigan. Sec. 32 R. 4E TWP 1N, Livingston County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 2 April 1966.

891. Material scraped from rock in dredge sample from 70 ft. depth, station AG-a, Lake Michigan. Coll: Robert Ogle, 28 March 1966.

892. Material from moss mat growing in washout in breakwater of Waukegon, Illinois harbor. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966.

893. Bottom sediment from station E-3, Lake Michigan. 44° 30' 00" N 86° 40' QO" W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 30 March 1966.

894. Bottom sediment from station E-4, Lake Michigan. 44° 30' 18" N 86° 55' 18" W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 30 March 1966.

895. Diatoms growing on Elodea in shallow pool near Bonner's Marina in town of Spring Lake, Ottawa County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 13 April 1966.

896. Plankton from Grand River in town of Spring Lake, Ottawa County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 13 April 1966.

897. Green algae (Cladophora) in #5 net hauls from station B-3, Lake Michigan. 42° 24' 00" N 86° 35' 30" W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 15 April 1966.

898. Plankton, Surface, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

899. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

900. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

901. Plankton, Surface, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

902. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

903. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

904. Plankton, Surface, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

905. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

906. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 28 March 1966, (500 ml).

907. Plankton, Surface, Station C-3. 42°49'10"N; 86°28'25"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966,- (500 ml).

908. Plankton, 5 meters, Station C-3. 42°49'10"N; 86°28'25"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966, (500 ml).

909. Plankton, 15 meters, Station C-3. 42°49'10"N; 86°28'25"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966, (500 ml).

910. Plankton, Surface, Station C-5. 42°49'00"N; 86°50'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966, (500 ml).

911. Plankton, 5 meters, Station C-5. 42°49'00"N; 86°50'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966, (500 ml).

912. Plankton, 15 meters, Station C-5. 42°49'00"N; 86°50'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966, (500 ml).

913. Plankton, Surface, Station C-7. 42°47'30"N; 87°34'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966, (500 ml).

914. Plankton, 5 meters, Station C-7. 42°47'30"N; 87°34'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966, (500 ml).

915. Plankton, 15 meters, Station C-7. 42°47'30"N; 87°34'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 20 March 1966, (500 ml).

916. Plankton, Surface, Station D-2. 43°56'00"N; 86°39'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

917. Plankton, 5 meters, Station D-2. 43°56'00"N; 86°39'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

918. Plankton, 15 meters, Station D-2, 43°56'00"N; 86°39'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

919. Plankton, Surface, Station D-4. 43°48'00"N; 87°03'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

920. Plankton, 5 meters, Station D-4. 43°48'00"; 87°03'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

921. Plankton, 15 meters, Station D-4. 43°48'00"N; 87°03'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

922. Plankton, Surface, Station D-5. 43°38'40"N; 87°31'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

923. Plankton, 5 meters, Station D-5. 43°38'40"N; 87°31'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

924. Plankton, 15 meters, Station D-5. 43°38'40"N; 87°31'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 3 April 1966, (500 ml).

925. Plankton, Surface, Station E-2. 44°37'00"N; 86°21'42"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

926. Plankton, 5 meters, Station E-2. 44°37'00"N; 86°21'42"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

927. Plankton, 15 meters, Station E-2. 44°37'00"N; 86°21'42"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

928. Plankton, Surface, Station E-3. 44°34'00"N; 86°40'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

929. Plankton, 5 meters, Station E-3. 44°34'00"N; 86°40'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

930. Plankton, 15 meters, Station E-3. 44°34'00"N; 86°40'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

931. Plankton, Surface, Station E-5. 44°25'30"N; 87°10'18"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

932. Plankton, 5 meters, Station E-5. 44°25'30"N; 87°10'18"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

933. Plankton, 15 meters, Station E-5. 44°25'30"N; 87°10'18"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 6 April 1966, (500 ml).

934. Bottom material in shallow water. Mill Creek in Village of Dexter, Sec. 31, R5E, Twp. 1S, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 2 June 1966.

935. Bottom material in shallow water. Mill Creek in Village of Dexter, Sec. 31, R5E, Twp. 1S, Washtenaw County, Michigan. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 2 June 1966.

936. Material from rock brought up in dredge, Station A-6, Lake Michigan. Coll: Wayne Alley, 10 June 1966.

937. Material brought up in dredge from 7 meter depth. Station GAC-ll, Lake Michigan. Coll: Wayne Alley, 10 June 1966.

938. Plankton, Surface, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

939. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

940. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-3. 42°05'30"N; 86°43'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

941. Plankton, Surface, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

942. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

943. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-4. 42°03'30"N; 87°06'30"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

944. Plankton, Surface, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

945. Plankton, 5 meters, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

946. Plankton, 15 meters, Station A-6. 41°52'00"N; 87°27'00"W. Coll: E. F. Stoermer, 26 April 1966, (500 ml).

947. Plankton, Surface, Station B-3. 42°24'00"N; 86°35'20"W. Coll: C. F. Powers, 25 April 1966, (500 ml).

948. Plankton, 5 meters, Station B-3. 42°24'00"N; 86°35'20"W. Coll: C. F. Powers, 25 April 1966, (500 ml).

949. Plankton, 15 meters, Station B-3. 42°24'00"N; 86°35'20"W. Coll: C. F. Powers, 25 April 1966, (500 ml).

950. Plankton, Surface, Station B-4. 42°23'30"N; 87°01'30"W. Coll: C. F. Powers, 25 April 1966, (500 ml).