Project FLAME: History


Project FLAME began in 1990, funded by a three-year Curriculum Innovation Grant from IBM. The early years of the project focused on the use of technology to improve learning in the foreign language classroom. Four pedagogical models were developed to facilitate this: the Teacher's Partner(TP), the Learner's Partner(LP), the Exploratory Mode and the Creative Mode.

Once the models had been established, FLAME then began designing applications using the TP and LP models in Spanish, French, and Hebrew. Russian, Polish and German are currently under development. Spanish and English applications are presently being constructed utilizing the the Exploratory and Creative Modes.

This work is primarily funded by three federal grants: two from the US Department of Education and one from the National Endowment for the Humanities. The project has also received donations from the Goethe Institute, the Focus Grant, and support from The University of Michigan.

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Project FLAME/188 Frieze Building, 105 South State Street, University of Michigan/Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1285 USA Phone: (313) 764-8103 Fax: (313) 747-0157