Memory 11/17/98

Memory structures

Episodic vs. Semantic vs. Procedural memory

Organizational Processes in Memory

The Schema

Social Psychology: The Power of the Situation


Sherif Paradigm

Private acceptance

The Asch Paradigm

Public compliance


Social Psychology

Looks at how the real or imagined presence of others (a.k.a., the social situation) influences individual behavior.


Conformity: The Bad and the Good


Conformity Defined

A change in behavior or belief as a result of real or imagined group pressure.


Sherif & Autokinetic Effect

Autokinetic Effect--The illusion that a stationary spot of light is moving when viewed in a darkened room.


Sherif and the Autokinetic Effect: Group Norms

Main Points:

The task is very ambiguous (estimates of movement ranged from 2 inches to 80 feet!)

Using an ambiguous stimulus, found that group norms quickly formed.

When tested privately, even a year later, subjects stick to group norm.