Outline 9/29/98

Evolution and Determinism

The Structure of the Nervous System

Central & Peripheral

Three Major Divisions of the Brain

Hindbrain, Midbrain, Forebrain

Within the Forebrain



Limbic System.

The Cortex




Should we conclude that men's focus on physical beauty (especially WHR) and women's focus on status are natural, and therefore, good things?

No, to do so would be to commit the naturalistic fallacy--the assumption that because something exists naturally, it is good



Consider A Patient with Parkinson's Disease




Should we conclude that men and women's mate preferences are determined by their evolutionary heritage--that they are hostage to the whims of natural selection?


No, to do so is to commit the deterministic fallacy


The Deterministic Fallacy

The conclusion that genes (or heredity) determine behavior in a rigid way that is essentially unaffected by the environment.




Should we conclude that because a behavior was "adaptive" at some point in our evolutionary heritage that it is still adaptive?

No, consider the physiological toll associated with everyday anger and stress





Biological Approaches to Behavior: Proximal Causes




Why Study Biology in a Psychology Class?




Proximal Causes and the macro structure of the nervous system: The Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System




Peripheral Nervous System

The somatic system (soma means body)--connects central nervous system to voluntary muscles.

The autonomic system--connects the CNS to nonvoluntary muscles, glands, and organs.




Within the Autonomic Nervous system can distinguish between the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems.




The Brain




The Hindbrain




The Midbrain




The Forebrain









Limbic System.




The Cortex



The Cortex & Speech: Complexity and function