1. According to empiricists like John Locke, minds and bodies are

A. one in the same.

B. separate.

C. opposites.

D. mutually exclusive.

2. A laboratory dog could be made to wag its tail by direct stimulation of the ________ lobe of its cerebral cortex.

A. temporal

B. occipital

C. frontal

D. parietal

3. Sample is to population as

A. part is to whole.

B. many is to few.

C. big is to small.

D. concrete is to abstract.

E. experiment is to survey.

4. Suppose you want to add salt to a pot of soup. Each time you add salt, you shake in just enough to notice the taste. According to Fechner's law, each time you add salt, you will add

A. the same amount.

B. less.

C. more.

D. it depends on the type of sou.

5. A strong correlation between two variables allows us to

A. predict the significance of the research results.

B. control the influence of third variables.

C. predict one from the other.

D. identify the causal links between them.

E. eliminate all third variables.

6. Which of the following correlation coefficients is largest in magnitude?

A. .65

B. .37

C. -.02

D. -.80

7. _______ statistics are formulas that allow the researcher to calculate the likelihood that particular results arose by chance.

A. Basic

B. Descriptive

C. Inferential

D. Variable

E. Modal

8. Under normal circumstances, we would expext to find _________between a family's income and the total amount of money family members spend on presents for each other throughout any given year.

A. no relationship

B. a curvilinear relationship

C. a positive correlation

D. a negative correlation

9. Which of the following statements was NOT part of Darwin's original evidence in support of evolution?

A. Different species have similar body parts.

B. There are domesticated plants and animals.

C. There are similarities in the early development among different species.

D. There are missing links in the fossil record.

10. Technically speaking, "survival" of the fittest pertains to

A. genes.

B. species.

C. longevity.

D. mutations.

E. indivduals.

11. According to Freud, conscious awareness is

A. the proper subject matter of psychology, and should be studied through introspection.

B. impossible to study because psychologists should use only objective, scientific methods.

C. only the tip of the mental iceberg.

D. only understandable once we understand the nervous system and brain completely.

12. The sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system comprise the

A. autonomic nervous system.

B. somatic nervous system.

C. central nervous system.

D. limbic system.

E. endocrine system.

13. During the action potential, the electrical charge of the inside of a neuron is _______ relative to its outside.

A. fluctuating

B. neutral

C. positive

D. negative

E. inhibited

14. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. If an insufficient amount of a neurotransmitter is secreted, a second neuron will NOT fire.

B. An intense stimulus can cause a greater number of neurons to fire.

C. An intense stimulus can cause each neuron to respond more intensely.

D. An intense stimulus can cause particular neurons to fire more frequently.

E. In the first year of life, the brain overproduces neural connections.

15. The brain produces its own analgesic chemicals called

A. pheromones.

B. endorphins.

C. hormones.

D. trcyclics.

E. gamma-amino-butyric acid.

16. Which layer of the brain coordinates communication among the other structures of the brain?

A. hindbrain

B. midbrain

C. forebrain

D. brain stem

E. cerebellum

17. A punch-drunk boxer illustrates the effect of a damaged

A. thalamus.

B. hippocampus.

C. pons.

D. cerebellum.

E. forebrain.

18. According to lecture, a _______ is a currently popular metaphor for bottom-up information processing.

A. computer

B. tabula rasa

C. symphony

D. river

19. In regards to light, amplitude is to wavelength as

A. brightness is to color.

B. hue is to saturation.

C. saturation is to brightness.

D. radio wave is to cosmic ray.

20. Low frequency sounds are coded by

A. neurons in particular places.

B. the rate at which neurons fire.

C. the fluid in the middle ear.

D. the vibration of the cochlea.

E. the hair cells in the auditory canal.

21. Can we more readily detect dim objects if we look straight at them?

A. yes

B. no

C. yes, but only if the objects are close

D. it depends on the background illumination

22. As the airplane descended for a landing, the pilot saw several beautiful islands that appeared to float in a vast expanse of blue ocean water. In this instance the ocean is a:

A. ground.

B. gestalt.

C. sensation.

D. perceptual set.

E. perceptual adaptation.

23. Shape constancy refers to our perception of an object as unchanging in shape regardless of changes in the:

A. angle from which we view the object.

B. distance from which we view the object.

C. color of the object.

D. extent to which our eyes converge inward when looking at the object.

24. Kohlberg believed that moral reasoning develops in the direction of increasing

A. conservatism.

B. rigidity.

C. compassion.

D. sociability.

E. abstractness.

25. Experiencing a green afterimage of a red object is most easily explained by:

A. place theory

B. gate-control mechanisms

C. opponent processes

D. freqency accomodation

26. Children are notably egocentric during the _______ stage of cognitive development.

A. sensorimotor

B. preoperational

C. concrete operations.

D. formal operations.

27. Fred has no meaningful occupational goals and has switched college majors several times. Erikson would have suggested that Fred lacks:

A. identity.

B. initiative.

C. trust.

D. autonomy.

E. competence.

28. Peek-a-boo is great fun for six-month-old infants because every time you appear they are truly surprised. This is because they haven't developed

A. conservation

B. assimilation

C. accommodation

D. object permanence

29. Which part of the nervous system responds when a person feels threatened?

A. endocrine system

B. somatic nervous system

C. parasympathetic nervous system

D. sympathetic nervous system

30.Alicia suffered a brain disease that destroyed major portions of her temporal lobes. Alicia is most likely to suffer some loss of:

A. auditory perception.

B. hunger and thirst.

C. pain sensations..

D. muscular coordination.

31. The structuralists emphasized the _______ of consciousness; the functionalists emphasized the _______ of consciousness.

A. process; content

B. complexity; simplicity

C. selectivity; general nature

D. content; process

E. development; elements

32. John Watson is to _______ as Wilhelm Wundt is to _______.

A. behaviorism; structuralism

B. behaviorism; functionalism

C. structuralism; behaviorism

D. funtionalism; gestalt psychology

E. structuralism; scientific materialism

33. Cognitive psychologists often use a(n) _______ as a metaphor for the mind.

A. river

B. trap door

C. engine

D. computer

E. house

34. An instrument that measures what it intends to measure is

A. concrete.

B. reliable.

C. valid.

D. foolproof.

E. nonfalsifiable.

35. According to Professor Fayad, we like people who like us because their affection for us boosts our own self-esteem. His idea is an example of:

A. naturalistic observation.

B. illusory correlation.

C. hindsight bias.

D. the false consensus effect.

E. a theory.

36. In a test of the effects of sleep deprivation on problem-solving skills, research participants are allowed to sleep either 4 or 8 hours on each of three consecutive nights. This research is an example of:

A. naturalistic observation.

B. the survey.

C. the case study.

D. experimentation.

E. correlational research.

37. The dependent variable in an experiment is the factor:

A. that is directly manipulated by the investigator.

B. whose effect is being studied.

C. that may be influenced by the experimental treatment.

D. that causes the behavior being studied.

38. Endorphins are most directly involved in the control of:

A. body temperature.

B. physical pain.

C. muscle contraction.

D. attention.

39. The all-or-none principle refers to the fact that neurons

A. continuously fire

B. spontaneously fire

C. fire completely or not at all

D. can be excited and inhibited at the same time

E. can fire more intensely to intense stimuli

40. According to Erikson's stage theory of development, children experience a lack of self-worth if thwarted in their attempt to resolve the issue of

A. competence versus inferiority.

B. trust versus mistrust.

C. initiative versus guilt.

D. autonomy versus self-doubt.

E. identity versus role confusion.