Developmental Psychology

Early & Middle Adulthood

Lecture 18




Divorce & Remarriage

Physical Changes in Adulthood

Survey of Midlife Social Changes

Social Changes

Family Changes



Timing & Choices

Consequences for Lifestyles

Advantages & Disadvantages

Care of Children & Parents Simultaneously


Delayed Parenthood


More time, money, knowledge

More time as a couple to develop


Aging parents out of synch with peers

Caught in life-cycle squeeze


Joys of Parenthood

Emotional ties to children

Fun with kids


Sense of maturity and belongingness


Stress of Parenthood

Loss of freedom, flexibility

Loss of romance & spontaneity

Loss of income

Arguments over careers, finances, in-laws, responsibilities


Typical Reasons for Divorce


Family conflicts

Economic stress

Loss of intimacy/passion/commitment




Why Has Divorce Rate Increased in Past 50 Years?

Unrealistic expectations about marriage

Fewer legal obstacles

Less social stigma

Women are more financially independent


Phases of Divorce





Consequences on Children

Anxiety, blame, anger - may persist for 10+ years for one third of children

Adolescents who experience divorce are more negatively affected

Sons have more problems than daughters usually

Same-sex custodial arrangements are better

Income & post-divorce relations can lead to stress



40% of all marriages are re-marriages

60% of remarriages end in divorce

Partners are older, more stable, and may have more realistic expectations


Middle Age

When does it begin?

Is it a time of crisis?

Is it an attitude?


Physical Changes in Young Adulthood

Peak performance at 19-26

After 30, declining muscle tone & strength

Basal metabolism rate declines, and if diet is constant, weight gain begins

Unhealthy habits, poor diet, lack of exercise, alcohol abuse, addiction tend to increase with stress in adulthood


Physical Changes in Middle Age

Cardiovascular problems due to increased cholesterol and reduced blood flow

Visual problems because of reduced blood flow to eyes, loss of retinal sensitivity, & loss of lens flexibility

Auditory loss to high-pitched sounds; greater in men than women


Physical Changes in Middle Age

Anxiety increases about:


Physical stamina

Cognitive changes


MacArthur Research on Midlife Development (1996)

Survey of >7,000 adults, 25-74 yrs old

People underestimate health risks

Sense of control = health & happiness

Most well-adjusted were women and adults with more education & high status jobs

People tend to be socially responsible

Discrimination jeopardizes health


Changes in Perceived

From young adulthood to old age,

Positive relations with others and environmental mastery INCREASE but

Personal growth and sense of purpose in life DECREASE


Health & Lifestyles

Healthy vs unhealthy habits

"Hardiness" = commitment, control, & see

problems as challenges


Sexual changes & menopause

Effects of stress


Social Changes

Gender Differences in Work & Careers

Cohort Effects

Midlife Crises


Keys to Avoid Crises

Anticipated changes

Perception of "on-time" changes

Social supports

Coping skills


Midlife Crises? No

Personality remains stable throughout adulthood (McCrae & Costa, 1994)

From 20-30, adults become less emotional and thrill-seeking; few changes after 30 in personality traits

Test-retest correlations on personality tests range from r=.60 to .80, even after 30 years

Stability applies to everyone except psychiatric patients and those suffering dementia


Family Changes

Family composition & demands

Marital satisfaction


Life-cycle squeeze

Empty nest




Midlife requires continual adjustment to changes in:

Physical health

Family responsibilities

Career opportunities


Search for personal meaning


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