Developmental Psychology 350

Lecture 5


Outline - Infancy


International Comparisons of Infant Mortality

Rank Country Deaths/1000

1 Japan 4.4

5 Sweden 4.8

15 Austria 6.5

25 USA 8.4

37 Romania 23.3

March of Dimes, Perinatal Data Center 1997


Neonates - Appearance



Newborn’s Reflexes





Infant Emotions


Three Patterns of Infant Temperament


Infant States of Activity


Infant Sleep


Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)


Sucking Patterns


Feeding Patterns


Infants’ Nutritional Needs

Cholesterol, Fat, Sugar, & Salt


Physical Growth


Height & Weight


Skeletal Development


Muscular Development


Brain & Nervous System


Locomotion & Posture


Manual Dexterity


Large-Muscle Motor Skills


H x E Interactions in
Physical Growth


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