Your Questions — From the in class review

  1. Language: According to Piaget are young children egocentric communicators?
  2. Vygotsky’s guided participation or "apprenticeship in thinking" falls under what emergent theory of development?
  3. This is the grand theory that focuses on early childhood experiences shaping development.
  4. With this design, researchers first study several groups of people of different ages, and then follow those groups longitudinally
  5. Cognitive equilibrium by either assimilation or accommodation is an idea by which theorist?
  6. What are the tree main causes of low birth weight?
  7. A disease such as marasmus or kwashiorkor are examples of . . . ?
  8. About what percentage of conceptions become newborns?
  9. What kill involves the movement of fingers and hands?
  10. What is the difference between avoidant and resistant-type attachment/
  11. In this type of study, groups of people who differ in age, but share other important characteristics are compared with regard to the variable under investigation
  12. There are two approaches to language, which type of approach, would a first-born child most likely use?
  13. The process by which axons are coated with a fatty substance that speeds communication between neurons
  14. At what age can infant discriminate a vibrating stimulus from a caregiver’s bouncing?
  15. Many infants enjoy playing with mirrors, but may not realize that the reflection they see is their won. What is in example of an experiment that could show and infant’s self-awareness?
  16. What method of research eliminates the affect of background variables?
  17. When newly learned words are applied to many objects sharing similar characteristics
  18. This theorist believes that guide participation, mentors, facilitating the involvement of a learner enhances cognitive development
  19. Name 3 stages of prenatal development
  20. T or F: A child quadruples his/her weight in first 2 years
  21. What are the three most common early emotions?


Agenda 10/11
