Chapter 8 Outline

I. Size and Shape

    1. Growth patterns from age 2 to 6
    1. becomes generally slimmer
    2. lower body lengthens
    3. body proportions are similar to that of an adult
    1. Factors affecting growth
    1. genetic background
    2. health care
    3. nutrition
      1. food served to children in preschool years is often not nutritious leading to diet deficiencies
      2. iron deficiencies lead to iron-deficiency anemia, which can cause chronic fatigue
      3. six out of seven preschoolers in U.S. exceed daily fat percent limits
  1. Brain Growth and Development
    1. Myelination
    1. insulation of part of the neuron
    2. speeds up neural transmission
      1. quicker reactions in children
      2. allows children to better control reactions
    1. New Connections
    1. growth in corpus callosum
      1. nerve fibers that connect the right and left hemisphere of the brain
      2. allows for coordination
    1. Accidents and the Brain
    1. major cause of childhood deaths
    2. differences in rate of accidents
    3. a. SES

      b. gender

      c. environment (neighborhood)

    4. injury control
      1. forethought
      2. supervision
      3. safety precautions (parental and societal)
      4. analyze injuries
    1. Eyes, Brains, and Reading
    1. 1. age 2
      1. left hemisphere growth spurt
      2. language explosion
    1. age 4
      1. children look and recognize letters and small shapes
      2. right hemisphere starts growth spurt
    1. age 5

a. eye-hand coordination becomes better attuned to right-left

III. Mastering Motor Skills

      1. Gross Motor Skills
  1. learn them from
      1. themselves
      2. their peers
  1. includes running, climbing, jumping, throwing, etc…
      1. Fine Motor Skills
      1. more precise, delicate actions like pouring or cutting
      2. difficulty with these actions because of
  1. lack of muscular control
  2. lack of patience
  3. lack of judgement
    1. Child Maltreatment
    1. Changing Definitions of Maltreatment
      1. abuse
    1. action that causes physical harm
    2. action that causes psychological harm
      1. neglect
    1. not providing physical needs (food, warmth)
    2. not providing psychological needs (love)
    1. Reported and Substantiated Maltreatment
    1. reported cases
    1. authorities have been informed
    1. substantiated cases
      1. have been investigated and verified as maltreatment
    1. The Cultural and Community Context
      1. cultures differ in what is abusive or neglectful
      2. factors that are conducive for maltreatment
    1. poverty
    2. social isolation
    1. Consequences of Maltreatment
      1. physical problems (underweight)
      2. social skill problems
      3. psychological problems
      4. intergenerational transmission
    1. Intervention Policies
    1. increased reporting due to laws
    2. solutions
    1. differential response
      1. immediate investigation/foster care
      2. supportive measures

3. foster care

4. kinship care

      1. adoption
    1. Prevention of Maltreatment
    1. primary prevention
    1. taking precautions so problems won’t occur
      1. safe, stable neighborhoods
      2. teach basic values
      3. income equality
    1. secondary prevention
    1. treating the warning signs of problems before they become severe
      1. home visiting

3. tertiary prevention

a. action to stop harm after maltreatment has already reached being severe