Chapter 6 Outline (Second Half)

Piaget’s Sensorimotor Intelligence

Active Intelligence:

Six Stages of Infant Cognition:

_ Adaption in two ways: Assimilation and Accommodation

_ Vocalization increases a great deal

→ Infants become more aware of people and objects and develop ways to interact.

_ Goal Directed Behavior is used in which the infants tries to make events occur.

_ Toddlers become "little scientists" in order to see. (They get into everything.)

_ Toddlers begin to solve problems using mental combinations (intellectual experimentation). This allows them to pretend using a technique called deferred imitation.

Language Development

First Noises and Gestures:


First Words and Sentences:

_ Learn naming words (dog, cat, cup) North Americans tend to be more referential.

_ Learn words used in social interaction (please, want, go) Japanese children tend to be more expressive.

Adults and Babies Teach Each Other

Two Theories: Nurture versus Nature:

Social Interaction:

_ the combination of these two are what achieve the language explosion seen in children.

_ difficult sounds are avoided; "L" and "R" are dropped

→ hard to say words are made into simpler words by adding a "y" at the end

→ baby talk facilitates early language learning