Study Sheet Exam 2

Please note any questions you have about this sheet that you would like addressed in class must be e-mailed to me by Wednesday @ 10 AM. I will answer these questions in section.

Note: These are only items that I think are important. I made this sheet up prior to see thing the exam and anything is possible.

Be sure to study all KEY TERMS, LECTURE MATERIAL, and all READINGS.


Chapter 8: The Play Years: Biosocial Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

  1. Describe normal physical growth during the play years, and explain variations in height and weight.
  2. (Research Report) Describe changes in eating habits during the preschool years.
  3. Discuss brain growth and development and its effect on development during the play years.
  4. Identify several factors that contribute to variation in the risk of accidental injury among children.
  5. (Changing Policy) Explain what is meant by "injury control," and describe some measures that have significantly reduced accidental death rates for children.
  6. Explain how the maturation of the visual pathways and cerebral hemisphere enhances eye-hand coordination at age 4 and allows for formal education to begin at about age 6.
  7. Distinguish between gross and fine motor skills, and discuss the development of each during the play years.
  8. (In Person) Discuss the significance of drawing during the play years.
  9. Identify the various categories of child maltreatment, and discuss several factors that contribute to its occurrence.
  10. (text and A Life-Span View) Discuss the consequences of child maltreatment and the inevitability of intergenerational transmission of maltreatment.
  11. Discuss foster care, kinship care, and adoption as intervention options in cases of child maltreatment.
  12. Compare and contrast three approaches to the prevention of child maltreatment.

Chapter 9: The Play Years: Cognitive Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

  1. Describe and discuss the major characteristics of preoperational thought, according to Piaget.
  2. Contrast Vygotsky's views on cognitive development with those of Piaget, focusing on Vygotsky's concept of guided participation.
  3. Explain the significance of scaffolding and the zone of proximal development in promoting cognitive growth.
  4. Describe Vygotsky's view of the role of language in cognitive growth.
  5. (Research Report) Compare and contrast the theories of Piaget and Vygotsky, and explain why findings have led to qualification or revision of Piaget's description of cognition during the play years.
  6. Discuss young children's memory abilities and limitations, noting the role of meaning in their ability to recall events.
  7. Discuss the reliability of children's eyewitness testimony.
  8. Explain the typical preschool child's theory of mind, notion how it is affected by culture and context.
  9. (text and A Life-Span View) Explain the role of fast mapping in children's acquisition of language.
  10. Discuss the development of grammar during the play years, and discuss limitations in the young child's language abilities
  11. (text and In Person) Identify the characteristics of a high-quality preschool program, and discuss the long-term benefits of preschool education for the child and his or her family.

Chapter 10: The Play Years: Psychosocial Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

  1. Discuss the relationship between the child's developing sense of self and social awareness.
  2. (Changing Policy) Discuss the impact of being an only child on cognitive and social development.
  3. Discuss emotional development during early childhood, focusing on emotional regulation.
  4. Differentiate four types of aggression during the play years, and explain why certain types are more troubling to develop mentalists than others.
  5. (A Life-Span View) Discuss how watching television contributes to the development of aggression and other antisocial behaviors.
  6. Discuss the nature and significance of rough-and-tumble and sociodramatic play during the play years.
  7. Compare and contrast three classic patterns of parenting and their effect on children.
  8. Discuss the pros and cons of punishment, and describe the most effective method for disciplining a child.
  9. (Research Report) Discuss the relationship between punishment at home and aggression at school.
  10. Describe the developmental progression of gender awareness in young children.
  11. Summarize five theories of gender role development during the play years, noting important contributions of each.

Chapter 11: The School Years: Biosocial Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

  1. Describe normal physical growth and development during middle childhood, and account for the usual variations among children.
  2. Discuss the problems - both physical and psychological - of obese children in middle childhood.
  3. (Research Report) Identify the major causes of obesity, and outline the best approaches to treating obesity.
  4. (Changing Policy) Discuss the causes, treatments, and impact asthma on development during the school years.
  5. Describe motor-skill development during the school years, focusing on variations due to gender, culture, and genetics.
  6. Explain how achievement and aptitude tests are used in evaluating individual differences in cognitive growth, and discuss why use of such tests is controversial.
  7. (A Life Span View) Describe two theories of multiple perspective, and discuss their implications for intelligence testing.
  8. Explain the new developmental psychopathology perspective, and discuss its value in treating children with special needs.
  9. Identify the symptoms of autism, and discuss its possible causes.
  10. Describe how learning disabilities are diagnosed, and identify some of the basic deficiencies.
  11. Describe the symptoms and possible causes of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with aggression.
  12. Discuss the types of treatment available for children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.
  13. (In Person) Describe techniques that have been tried in efforts to educate children with special needs.

Chapter 12: The School Years: Cognitive Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

  1. Describe the components of the information processing system, noting how they interact.
  2. (text and A Life-span View) Discuss advances in selective attention, memory skills, and processing speed during middle childhood.
  3. (text and A Life-span View) Discuss advances in knowledge and metacognition during the school years.
  4. Identify and discuss the logical operations of concrete operational thought, and give examples of how these operations are demonstrated by schoolchildren.
  5. Outline Kohlberg's stage theory of moral development.
  6. Identify and evaluate several criticisms of Kohlberg's theory.
  7. (text and Changing Policy) Discuss variations in the schooling of children, focusing on the developmental approach to education.
  8. Describe the development of communication skills during the school years, noting changing abilities in vocabulary and code-switching.
  9. Identify several conditions that foster the learning of a second language, and describe the best approaches to bilingual education.
  10. Describe how cultural needs and standards direct cognitive growth and have led to changes in how schoolchildren in the United States spend their time.

Chapter 13: The School Years: Psychosocial Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

  1. Identify the common themes or emphases of different theoretical views of the psychosocial development of school-age children.
  2. Define social cognition, and explain how children's theory of mind and emotional understanding evolve during middle childhood.
  3. (In Person) Describe the development of self-understanding during middle childhood and its implications for children's self-esteem.
  4. Discuss the importance of peer groups during the school years, providing examples of how school-age children develop their own subculture and explaining the importance of this development.
  5. Discuss how friendship circles change during the school years.
  6. Discuss the plight of two types of rejected children.
  7. (text and Research Report) Discuss the special needs of bullies and their victims, and describe possible ways of helping such children.
  8. Identify five essential ways that functional families nurture school-age children, and contrast the styles of open and closedfamilies.
  9. (text and A Life-span View) Discuss the impact of divorce on the psychosocial development of the school-age child.
  10. Identify the variables that influence the impact of stresses on schoolchildren.
  11. (Changing Policy) Discuss the impact of poverty and homelessness on the development of school-age children.
  12. Discuss several factors that seem especially important in helping children to cope with stress.

Chapter 14: Adolescence: Biosocial Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

  1. Outline the biological events of puberty.
  2. Discuss the emotional and psychosocial impact of pubertal hormones.
  3. (text and A Lifespan View) Identify several factors that influence the onset of puberty.
  4. Describe the growth spurt in both male and the female adolescent, focusing on changes in body weight and height.
  5. Describe the changes in the body's internal organ systems that accompany the growth spurt.
  6. Discuss the nutritional needs and problems of adolescents.
  7. Discuss the development of the primary sex characteristics in males and females during puberty.
  8. (In Person) Discuss how adolescents respond to the sexual changes of puberty and how these reactions have changed over thedecades.
  9. Discuss the development of the secondary sex characteristics in males and females during puberty.
  10. (Research Report) Discuss the adolescent's preoccupation with body image and the problems that sometimes arise in the development of a healthy body image.
  11. Discuss sexual abuse, noting its prevalence and consequences for development.
  12. (text and Changing Policy) Discuss drug use among adolescents today, including its prevalence, its significance for development, and the best methods of prevention.


Chapter 15: Adolescence: Cognitive Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

  1. Describe advances in thinking during adolescence.
  2. Describe evidence of formal operational thinking during adolescence, and provide examples of adolescents' emerging ability to reason deductively and inductively.
  3. Discuss adolescent egocentrism, and give three examples of egocentric fantasies or fables.
  4. Evaluate the typical secondary school's ability to meet the cognitive needs of the typical adolescent.
  5. Discuss the impact of competitive and cooperative learning on the typical adolescent.
  6. Briefly discuss the typical adolescent's inability to make major life decisions.
  7. (Changing Policy) Discuss whether part-time employment is advisable for adolescents.
  8. Explain how adolescent thinking contributes to adolescent pregnancy and sexually transmitted disease.
  9. (text and A Life Span View) Discuss the need for better sex education in the schools and the role of parents as sex educators.

Chapter 16: Adolescence: Psychosocial Development

All key terms + Answers to the following questions

1. Describe the development of identity during adolescence.

2. Describe the five major identity statuses, and give examples of each.

3. (text and In Person) Discuss the problems of identity formation encountered by minority adolescents.

4. Discuss parental influences on identity formation, including the effect of parent-adolescent conflict and other aspects of family functioning.

5. Discuss the constructive functions of peer relationships and close friendships during adolescence and the unique challenges faced by immigrants.

6. (Text and Research report) Discuss the development of intimate relationships during adolescence, including the challenges faced by gay and lesbian adolescents.

7. Discuss adolescent suicide, noting its incidence and prevalence, gender and national variations, and contributing factors.

8. (text and Changing Policy) Discuss delinquency among adolescents today, noting its incidence and prevalence, significance for later development. And best approaches for prevention or treatment.

9. Discuss the theme of this text as demonstrated by adolescent development.