Do groups do better than individuals?


Keywords: divisible tasks, unitary tasks, additive tasks, conjunctive tasks, disjunctive tasks, process loss, nonsharing of unique information

Identify:  (1)  What type of task is it?
                (2)  What determines the group's performance?

1.  A group of Amish builders are rebuilding a house.
     Divisible; how well the builders work together and/or how well individuals are assigned to subtasks.

2.  Luciano Pavarotti, Placido Domingo, and Jose Carreras sing a newly composed trio together.
    Unitary, conjunctive; the performance of the worst singer.

3.  Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo singing a newly composed duet, and YOU playing the piano accompaniment.
    Divisible; how well the group performs together.

4.  The UM track team runs the 4X100 relay.
    This could be a unitary, additive, conjunctive or disjunctive task; if it is additive, the teams' performance would depend on how well all of the runners perform together.  If it is conjunctive, it would depend on the poorest runner on the team.  If it is disjunctive, it would depend on the best runner on the team.

5.  Katie, Brian, Christine, and Doug went to climb the K2 together.
    Unitary, conjunctive; performance depends on the weakest member of the climbing troupe.

6.  Your group working on this worksheet together (use your imagination!).
    Unitary, could be additive or disjunctive.  Could also be divisible.  If it's additive, it would depend on how well all of the group members work together.  If it is disjunctive, it would depend on the smartest/most informed individual.  If it is divisible, it would depend on how well individuals are assigned to questions.

7.  Your younger sister (14 years old) and her friends are working on their science project together.  they ask your little brother (9 years old) to join them and give comments.  He tells them that their plan to make a volcano will not work because ketchup does not look like lava and it will smell and stain.  they do not listen to him and thinks he is an idiot.
    This could be unitary, disjunctive or divisible.  If it's disjunctive, it would depend on the most skilled/informed/smartest group member.  If it's divisible, it would depend upon how well tasks are divided amongst the group members.  Another important factor occurring here is process loss since group members are disregarding the lower status little brother's important insights.

8.  You and your housemates are deciding if you want to have Pat move in next semester.  The following is what they know:
         You:  Pat is hardworking, tidy, humorous, but likes to play loud music at night
         Housemate 1:  Pat is hardworking, tidy, humorous, charming, but cooks really bad smelling food
         Housemate 2:  Pat is hardworking, tidy, humorous, but has a criminal history of liking to steal small things
         Housemate 3:  Pat is hardworking, tidy, humorous, but gets drunk every weekend and wreaks havoc
    What are the things that you are likely to talk about when you discuss the merits of sharing the house with pat?  What is the likely decision? (and answer the 2 questions from the top)
    Unitary, additive.  Performance depends upon how well the roommates work together to come to a decision.  What is important here is that process loss may occur if there is nonsharing of unique information.  If this occurs, it is likely that the roommates will discuss that Pat is hardworking, tidy and humorous, but NOT that Pat is also charming, has a criminal history of liking to steal small things, cooks really bad-smelling food and gets drunk every weekend and wreaks havoc.  This means that you are likely to let Pat move-in without discussing all of his/her negative qualities.