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Final grades are determined by the total number of points students accumulate during the term. Points are accumulated from homework, group projects, papers, and exams. No specific assignment or exam is required, rather, there are multiple ways of demonstrating competence or excellence. Therefore, under no circumstances will there be makeup dates for exams. By deciding on the quantity and quality of work carried out, each student determines his or her own grade. It is possible for all students to receive As. While class attendance does not directly count towards grades, regular class attendance is encouraged. In order to complete homework assignments, students must be present when the homework is assigned, as well as when it is discussed and collected. In addition, attendance tends to correlate positively with exam grades. Therefore, regular class attendance is likely to increase the probability that a student will obtain a good grade.



A+ > 1000

A > 900

B > 800

C > 700

D > 600

E < 600