Psychology 490: Political Psychology

Fall 1999 Discussion Sections


002 (Th 12-1pm, 213 Dennison)

003 (Th 3-4pm, 432 West Hall)

004 (Fr 10-11am, 216 Dennison)


Instructor: Elisabeth Wright

Office: 2461 East Hall


Office phone: 647-3515

Office Hours: Monday 1-3pm and by appointment

Mailbox: 3242 East Hall


The discussion sections are intended to 1) help clarify material covered in lecture and readings, 2) encourage critical analysis of ideas and concepts in political social behavior, and 3) provide a forum to share ideas and observations on course content. For discussion sections to be useful to you, it is essential that you arrive prepared each week. Preparation means that you have done all of the readings and assignments AND have thought critically about them.



In order to receive the full 15% of your discussion grade, you must regularly and actively participate. Active participation each week includes any of the following:


Regular attendance is crucial to participation. More than one unexcused absence will lower your discussion grade by 2% per absence unless extenuating circumstances exist.


Class Climate

Discussion sections provide an environment for you to learn from each other. Allowing for the free exchange of opinions and beliefs is integral to productive learning. There are, however, disrespectful ways to express opinions which serve to attack and isolate others. Disrespect displayed towards other students or me will not be tolerated and will reflect poorly on your discussion grade. I encourage you to listen carefully to others' thoughts and respect their rights to have opinions different from yours. Challenge ideas, not individuals.