Class Assignment

Your task for Monday 12/4: You should write a 2-4 page (double spaced, 1 inch margins, 12 pt font) reflection of the following:


Imagine you are a college senior (hopefully, this shouldn't be hard to do ;). You are speaking to a group of freshmen who are just making the transition from high school to college. Reflecting on your experiences (as well as those of your cohort peers), you should talk with this group about things that would be helpful for them in making their transitions. (Think about things that you wish you had known, things that worked for you, things that didn't, lessons you've learned, etc. Further, in your discussion, address practical, "everyday living" issues (interactions with new people, dorm life), as well as social and academic experiences. Finally, end your discussion with a summary of how you feel that your experience at the University has changed you (positively or negatively) in terms of both personal growth and academic/intellectual growth.


*Do not worry about the length - be more concerned with a good coverage of your experiences and thoughts about how you came to negotiate this university successfully (as you have, given that you've gotten this far).