Questions to consider:


1. What are some differences in organizational structure across cultures?

2. How do other countries organize their educational systems? Can we learn anything from them? What are the limitations of the practices of the cultures decsribed?

3. In the American educational system, what are the roles of students and teachers? How does this compare to roles in other cultures?

4. How do the philospohies and values underlying the different decribed educational systems differ from our own? How are they similar?

5. What types of "climates" might these school systems perpetuate?

6. How might your college experience and/or occupational aspirations and attainment be different if you were in one of the described educational systems instead of the U.S.?

7. How would you think that issues which are becoming increasingly relevant in the U.S. (e.g.,diversity, multicultualism, bilingualism, accountability, standards) would be handled in the cultures described? Would these issues be applicable at all, or would they play out in a different way?