Here's a little sample of the things that happened in past years. So come along and enjoy the ride.

March in L.A.

This is a march held in Los Angeles to protest the Contract with America. This picture was taken in front of the Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles.

Pre-March in L.A.

Here we are at the beginning of the march in East Los Angeles. People gathered together in front of the King Taco on the corner of Cesar Chavez Blvd. and Soto. From here we were "ESCORTED" to Downtown Los Angeles by the "friendly" L.A.P.D.

Pinata at our Posada

Ahhh. Nuestra posada. If you want to have fun, you better come to our annual posadas. Buena musica, food (loved those tamales), and of course, breaking the pinata. This event was held last December in Stockwell's Rosa Parks Lounge.

Raza Poetry Night

One of the most succesful events last year was the Raza Poetry Night. Pictured are Brenda and Jefe doing their thing.

Alianza Alum

Here is Lisa, Deanna, and Nora chillin' in Chicago for the 1996 NACCS (National Association for Chicano/Chicana Studies) Conference.

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