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Read our recent work on Ready to Learn. Our research highlights:

Causal Supports for Early Word Learning
Amy E. Booth
Northwestern University

Educational Effects of an Embedded Multimedia Vocabulary Intervention for Economically Disadvantaged Pre-K Children: A Randomized Trial
Susan B. Neuman, Ellen H. Newman, Julie Dwyer
University of Michigan

Developing Vocabulary and Conceptual Knowledge for Low-income Preschoolers: A Design Experiment
Susan B. Neuman, Julie Dwyer
University of Michigan

A meta-analysis on the effects of vocabulary training on word learning: A design experiment on the effects of WOW: the world of words
Loren Marie Marulis, Susan B. Neuman
University of Michigan

And see these other studies that focus on the mechanism that underlie children's learning of words and word features:

The CHELLO is a complementary research tool to the ELLCO which examines the language and literacy environment of home-based care settings. it is appropriate for use in family literacy programs, and family and group child care programs. It has shown to be a highly valid and reliable tool for measuring growth in quality language and literacy practices.

Find out more about the CHELLO:
Download CHELLO-100307.pdf

From Rhetoric to Reality: The case for High-Quality Compensatory Prekindergarten Programs (FromRhetoricToReality.pdf 768K)

Overcoming the Knowledge Gap: The Case for Content-rich Instruction (edleadership.pdf 98K)

The State of state pre-kinderten standards (stateofstate.pdf 1.1M)

Neuman, S.B. & Wright, T.S. (2007).
A parent's guide to reading with your young child
New York: Scholastic Inc.

Neuman, S.B., Roskos, K., Wright, T.S., Lenhart, L. (2007).
Nurturing knowledge: Building a foundation for school success by linking early literacy to math, science, art, and social studies
New York: Scholastic Inc.

See other Publications by Professor Susan B. Neuman