Campaign background

In the beginning, the Abyss was without form, and void. Then, something happened, it solidified somehow, and guess who was sent to check it out? That's right, all the younger generation Amberites that were in Amber at the time.

Meanwhile, in Shadow, strange obelisks made of odd black material and towering several stories high appeared. Further, when questioned about it, Shadow people remarked merely that they'd always been there, and that they were perfectly normal. A few of the PC's that were in Shadow ended up examining them, and touching them. On contacting the obelisks, they were transported to a version of Castle Amber that was made of the same black material. Looking around this Castle, one of them found Brand. He was severely mad and wanted nothing more than a good game of poker, oh and maybe a way out. He explained that after sufficient time had passed, he somehow gained control of some of the Abyss "material." He subtracted material in such a way as to form a Pattern, which consequently formed the castle around it, solidifying everything outside of it.

Brand was rescued from the Abyss eventually, and a very sickly, Dierdre, as well. One of the PC's volunteered to take on her monstrous Abyss disease and later died from it. (I wouldn't be that cruel, he quit the campaign.)

A woman named Athena was trapped in a Primal Shadow. There, her land was covered in glittering jewels of all types. She discovered that she had enough Pattern power to charge a few of the jewels with it and use them to send her armor out, hopefully, into Amber as a signal that she was stuck. Thousands of years passed before she was able to succeed in her venture. More like hundreds by her perceptions, though. Eventually, it worked, but not well. Her armor imploded in the center of the Pattern that she'd arranged her jewels into and used to try and send it to Amber. Her last hope gone, Athena sent her precious jewels out also, in a hopeless effort to reunite the armor and bring it back. The armor exploded into Shadow in all different derections. Ten major pieces landed in ten different places. The ten jewels that were sent also landed in different places, none corresponding to the armor, however. The jewels "sought out" real people and found them. One being Rinaldo, another, Martin. The others were the PC's and they readily, or uneasily accepted the jewels. The jewels were sentient and told their new owners where a certain piece of the armor was and how to get there, to the extent of actually shifting the Shadows for the player, if they could not do it themselves. Ten different Shadows were got to, and the pieces found. Upon the last person touching the last piece, all ten were transported to a Plane. (This is a mysterious Plane that the PC's never examined, so I will say no more, lest they read this and find out some unbeknownst secret!) In the center of this white, circular place, they put the pieces together and upon doing so, were once again transported. This time, to the place of Athena. A younger, hopeful Amberite took it upon himself to draw a Pattern in order to free everyone from this place. A Logrus field apparently kept people and things inside this Primal Plane and would not normally let anyone in either. Upon walking ihs own Pattern, the PC contacted the other via Trump. This worked, so they all came through. It was then discovered that the woman was Oberon's twin sister. She was trapped due to an accident involving her first walk on the Pattern. Hearing about the death of Oberon, she quickly claimed Amber's throne as her own. That was good enough for Random, who virtually jumped off his chair and ran out into Shadow.

The rest is currently a swift version of the happenings. I will modify it and add details when I have more time. Dara, the Queen of Chaos, was killed during some kind of experiment. After a brief Throne War in the Courts, an unknown named Marcus Chanicut took the throne. In that war, Despil, among others, died. Jurt was badly injured as well.

Corwin was able somehow to remove the Serpents other Eye. Tales of magical Unicorns guiding him have been heard. Suhuy, along with Mandor and some others, was able to replace both Eyes with magic steel orbs of Mandor's. These were, seemingly, part of him because Mandor soon went braindead, although attempts to save him were made.

Random was freed from the Courts of Chaos Dungeon by decree of the new king, even though no one knew he'd been captured. His family, including 2 sons returned with him to Amber. Shortly thereafter, Athena, the Queen, was discovered by a slightly mad Random. The real Athena had been replaced by a double. Random was privately voted king by a small party of Elders and PCs. That night, Random was murdered by an unkown hand. Seemingly one of his sons, or perhaps the man who returned with them, an Oliver, Random's squire. Benedict took names and allibies, and Bleys went off in search of the killer. A will of his was found making a reluctant Martin the king. The Crown was missing, but found by a PC in the hands of Oliver. Oliver remains in custody, but not prison due to complications. The real killer is as of yet unknown.

Fiona was kidnapped by Flora of all people, who apparently had some ties to Finndo. She escaped questioning.

The Serpent's new Eyes triggered a process that caused it to change form several times. One of these forms was a Hydra, and Benedict apparently wound up with one of its Eyes. It regressed into a simple Dragon and usually appears that way of late.

Due to a scuffle between Benedict and the King of Chaos about troops movements through Chaos Shadows (by Chaos troops), a war broke out between the 2 poles of reality. A new power helped Chaos win for a long time. It was finally put to rest by the Elders and PCs and the Jewel of Judgement helped Amber win the war. Martin agreed to a peace treaty and there has been calm since then.

Dworkin, who has been very involved with the PCs, decided to seal off Amber from Shadow because the war would be reflected throughout Shadow and he felt that the deaths of infinite beings were on his head. He kicked everyone out of Amber for nearly a month. The Elders took their places in Shadow and nearly killed each other in a power struggle that ended up much like the Battle of the 5 Armies in the Hobbit. Caine, Brand, Flora, Benedict, and Corwin were all fighting each other's armies until Dworkin appeared in the clouds and somehow made them stop. They signed a treaty, the 3 that were left, Caine, Benedict, and Corwin, there in that Shadow, Nirvana. The others escaped. It seemed, after that, that it was safe to return to Amber, and so they did. Amber, however, had changed somewhat. Exactly how is still unknown. But a ew things are obvious. A new Fountain appeared in the center of the city of Amber. With it, mythical beings that claim to have "always been there" appeared too. Dworkin, it seems is gone, though. His Trump feels dead, suspicions abound. Perhaps Dworkin's own "fixing" of Amber killed him. Perhaps not.

The Houses are Chanicut, Jesby, Sawall, Hendrake, Helgram, and Berrimen, and there are many ignoble ones too.

Location of the game: We play in Ann Arbor at the Underworld store on South University street.

Time: We have been playing every Saturday for about six years now! We currently play from 5 pm to about 10 pm.

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