Submit Materials to the RPA Site
University of Michigan OM
Professor R. Eugene Goodson


Note: If you have trouble downloading any of the following template files, either right-click (Windows) or click and hold (Macintosh) until the "mouse menu" appears. Select "Save link as" or "Save file as" and be sure to select "source" if the option is given in the save screen.


Manufacturing Handbook Entries

First, download the template (in html format) here. Then, using either an html editor (FrontPage98, Dreamweaver, etc.), Microsoft Word or a general text editor, make changes only to the text after the seven categories. Please do not make any other changes. Save the file with the extension ".html" (or select "save as html" if using Microsoft Word) and submit it to Prof. Goodson via email (or to a class designate as instructed). In your email, please indicate the proper categorization of the materials. Also, don't forget to reference your sources. Thanks for helping us to build a better RPA site for all!


Glossary Entries

Using the format in the glossary, send your entry to Prof. Goodson via email. It is helpful if you can indicate any cross references among other glossary entries if they exist.


Plant Profile for the RPA Database

Download the Microsoft Excel database template. Then, complete it using the information that you have gathered from the four RPA tables presented on the Assessment Tables page. Finally, email it as an attachment to Prof. Goodson.



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Copyright © 1999
R. E. Goodson
University of Michigan Business School