For many students, the chance to study abroad is among the most rewarding experiences of their college career. Not only does it offer unique opportunities for dramatically advancing one's language skills, it also provides many students with lifelong friends in their target culture and invaluable experience for their future careers.

A cobblestone street in Prague's Old Town.

This is a (partial) list of foreign study programs in Slavic languages available to University of Michigan students. Most are affiliated with American or East European universities, but a few are purely commercial. Before you commit yourself, it is strongly recommended that you consult with the Office of International Programs, which administers study abroad at UM, to find out about obtaining academic credit, financial aid, etc.

The University of Michigan's International Center
also has an Overseas Opportunities Office, which keeps a library of study-abroad related materials (guidebooks, directories of programs and scholarships), sponsors seminars and workshops, and has advisors on hand to answer all sorts of questions. Their website has important general information about the different types of foreign study and links to many online directories. For information on Slavic programs not included here, other languages of interest to our region, or working, volunteering, or interning abroad, try them first!

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This site was designed by Valerie Laken.