Concepts Troubleshooting
Time 30 minutes ± 10 minutes
Reference Strategies for Creative Problem Solving, Fogler and LeBlanc
Upon starting MicroPlant, students should proceed through the introduction to familiarize themselves with the background of the module. They then have the option of choosing the level of difficulty of the module. In the introduction, the students are encouraged to review a troubleshooting strategy and an example in the Help section. The students then proceed to locate each of the two faults. Locating faults is done by isolating where the problem exists by checking stream and equipment conditions against the expected output. Once a fault is believed to be located, the student then must decide which fault is a reasonable explanation for the actual output from the system by reading additional information given for each unit operation. If the student correctly reports the fault it is fixed. Then the process is repeated for the second fault. Wrong fault detection costs the student money; so, it is important to isolate the fault prior to reporting it.


Once the user has located both faults, the student is brought to an exit screen. The exit screen contains a performance number as well as the money remaining, module running time, and the faults found. Should the student decide to exit MicroPlant before locating both faults, the student may or may not be given a performance number before exiting the module. In either case, the exiting screen offers a printing option which allows the student to printout the exit screen. This provides the teacher with a means of positive identification for completion of MicroPlant.

Grade Base To achieve mastery of the module, it is recommended that the student be able to complete MicroPlant in Expert mode. Additionally, the remaining money and time spent on the module could also be an effective way of judging mastery.
Installation  Instructions for installing and using the ICMs are available.

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