Bowling for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society

We all bowled three games to support Ciara's fundraising effort on March 29, 2003.  There were bunches of other people there, but the ones I knew were Ciara, Angela, Niamh, and the other twosome in our bowling team "We Really Stink," John and Lainie. 

We lived up to our name, consistently posting double-digit scores all night. Here's how I (am forced to) look at it:  The fewer pins you knock down, the more fun you have.   Derek's stellar 122 in the third game was our best effort.

Ciara hawks 50/50 tickets

Lainie, John, and one of the beneficiaries of this marathon, Kim

Betz & Ciara

Angela, Niamh, and a friend whose name I can't remember

Lainie loves the camera

I did, however, manage to win two gift certificates:  one for a Soup restaurant ( and one for a Scrapbooking store, which was carefully arranged through a swap with a lady at Angela's table.  I originally won a GC for Dick's Sporting Goods, and she the Scrapbooking GC, but she was more than happy to trade because she is not willing to join "the cult." 

I could see myself getting addicted to bowling, though.  I like the little leg kick-up business at the end.  Derek says I have decent form, and with practice I could get much better.  But what does HE know????


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