UP Road Trip 2002

Girls weekend for Betz, Ange, Ciara

My college buddies, Angela and Ciara, joined me on a UP Road Trip on the 4th of July weekend in 2002.  Ciara had never been to the UP (only through it once, en route to Canada), and Ange hadn't been there in many years.  We all needed a work-free, man-free, stress-free, all-about-the-girls weekend.  We had a blast!  Here's the proof:


Day 1

Departure from Ciara's house, 7AM

Stopover in Manistique     


Picnic at the lake


Day 2

Iron Mountain Iron Mine  




Norway, City of Trails



Da Yoopers Tourist Trap


Presque Isle



Jilbert's Dairy Barn for Ice Cream



Day 3

Pictured Rocks Boat Tour



My favorite picture of the whole trip:


Marquette Children's Museum  




Day 4

Returned home

The return trip, normally 7 hours, took over 12 hours due to traffic!


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