Appendix 2: Phase II and Ongoing SDP Activity

Appendix 2: Phase II and Ongoing SDP Activity

The results of this plan are meant to be used as a road map, identifying the major projects that are planned for implementation. This information will be distributed widely to increase awareness and presentations will be made to enhance understanding. The SDP project team can provide ongoing consulting to help projects, whether initiated from this plan or elsewhere, understand the road map and how each project can contribute or take advantage. Contact any SDP Project Manager for more information, additional copies of this document, or supporting information that was used to create this plan. Examples of additional information include results of interviews, process definitions, burning issues by functional area, various matrices (process supports goal, future technologies support process, process involves data, process involves stakeholder), common process profiles, and current systems inventory descriptions and evaluations.

It is also important for project leader, directors and department heads to use project management techniques and provide feedback and input to the SDP Project Managers and project team as progress is made on projects, as goals change or new problems are identified. More detail and more up-to-date information will only enhance the usefulness of the plan. Additionally, the SDP project team intends to create an annual maintenance process to keep the plan up-to-date.

Complete Other Areas

The broader the scope of the plan, the better the plan. The SDP project team will complete the information gathering and analysis steps for the Employment and Research areas in fiscal year 94-95. Results of those two areas will be integrated with these results. Some interest has been expressed in including Patient Service in the planning effort in the future. This issue will be addressed after Employment and Research are completed.